Chapter Five - Save me

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I awoke grogilly and curiously looked around as I knew I wasn't in Shigure's house at the moment. The walls were a bland yellow colour with a yucky green tyled floor. I sighed as I saw pretty much everyone piled into this hospital room. Yuki and Kyo were sitting on stools on either side of my bed sprawled arcoss my legs, Hatori slept soundly in a chair by my head, Kagura was also here, she sat close to Kyo but wasn't touching him, Shigure and Ayame were on the floor oddly enough and then Tohru was propped up beside Ayame. I looked down at my hands and found them to be covered in plastic tubes, I followed them to an IV bag feeding me blood and some clear liquid. I felt terribly sore and I don't think I could walk even if I wanted to. . . I reached as far as I could and just managed to pull the small buzzer out of Kyo's hands. I clicked the red button and waited for assistance. A nurse appeared quite rapidly and carefully weaved around everyone so she could stand beside me. "How are you feeling?" She asked kindly as she fiddled with my IV. "I feel very sore and tired." I replied. "Well that's normal after having a major surgery. When you came in you had less than half your volume of blood, I'm surprised you've made it this far." I knew she meant that to be a good thing but I couldn't help take that a little offensively. "What happened?" I asked. "Well from what I gather you were pushed into a desk which had a letter opener on it. Somehow when you fell you landed on it funny and it stabbed you in the back. You're friends here were discussing it for the past three days, something about the need to punish someone. . . " The nurse trailed off as Hatori had waken up and come to stand by my side. "How do you feel?" He asked as he pressed his hand to my forehead. "Woozy. But good enough to go home." I told him. "I'm afraid that I am going to have to keep you here for a few more days Rosalia." Hatori told me as he took my pulse and fidded with a few other things. "You're awake!" Yuki exclaimed as he stared at me sideways; as he was still lying down. "Yes! I woke up a few minutes ago. . ." I said. "It's been a hard couple of days for everyone. Now that she's awake I think that everyone should go home." Hatori told Yuki as he listened to my heart beat. "I'm not going anywhere." Kyo declared as he sat up and rubbed at his eyes. "Who else is going to keep that stupid brat out of here?" "He was just upset. . . that's all." I whispered. "Ms. Sohma I think you are giving Haru too much forgiveness." Yuki said as he brushed out his hair. "I'm sorry." I said as I turned my gaze away from them. "We should let her rest." Hatori said. I could tell he wanted to give me some space and I was thankful for that. I feel as through if I can't keep all of my junnishi happy and protected. . . Then I've failed as their 'God'. I closed my eyes and let the dark consume me, hoping that it wouldn't let me resurface.

"Tohru, which junnishi members have you met so far?" I asked. We were alone in my hospital room and it felt nice not to have so many worried eyes watching me. Tohru hesitated and said "Nine. I haven't come across the junnishi of the horse, rooster or the monkey." I nodded, so she hasn't met Rin yet either. . . I wondered what kind of person she is. A soft knock was heard and Tohru and I both turned to see who it was. "Come in." I beckoned. "Come on Kisa. Yuki - Nii told me that she's really nice." A soft voice said. "Oh! Hiro - Kun!" Tohru exclaimed. "Onee - Chan?" A small girl's voice called as she and the boy stepped into the room. They were so cute! The boy looked as though he had perhaps just entered middle school and the girl is probably still in elementary. "Damn it." The boy cursed as he bent over; holding his chest. "Oh Tohru - Chan!" I exclaimed as I held my arms out to Hiro. "I got it!" She exclaimed as she ran over to Hiro and picked him up; even though he was protesting. She placed him in my lap and I hugged him tightly around the shoulders. "So it is true." He said as he began to burst into tears. "It's okay little lamb. I'm here." I cooed into his ear as he wrapped his arms around me. Kisa looked at me confused and then up at Tohru. The girl junnishi didn't get the same feeling the boys do when they meet me. . . I'm not too sure why but that's the way it's been so far. "It's okay Kisa - Chan. You can come and see Rosalia - Chan. She's really really nice and she's one of my best friends now." Tohru said with a smile. I jugled Hiro so that he is seated beside me; curled up to my side and I reached out to hold Kisa's hand. She gingerly put it in mine and gave me the cutest smile ever. "Hello Onee - Chan. My name is Kisa." She said. "Hello Kisa. My name is Rosalia." I told her as I ran my fingers through Hiro's hair. "Pretty name." She mumbled. I smiled at her and held her hand firmly as she sat down on the edge of the bed. "ROSIE - CHAN!" I heard Momiji's loud voice sing from the hall. "SHUT THE HELL UP!" Kyo's voice sounded after him. "Oh dear." I sighed as closed my eyes and pinched the top of my nose. Hiro pawed at my arm and I wrapped it around his shoulders. "We are in a hospital stupid - cat; keep your voice down." Yuki said as he and the two loud ones filed into the room. "Good morning Yuki - Kun." I said as he came to stand by my head. "Hello Miss Sohma. How are you feeling today?" Yuki asked. "Better. Hatori won't let me leave the hospital though." I pouted. "We actually have a proposition." I tilted my head curiously and grinned. "It was my idea!" Momiji cheered as he dodged out of Kyo's way and over to stand beside Yuki. "Hari said that you could come with us to the onspren IF you don't put your body under too much stress." "The hot springs? That sounds like more fun than sitting here in a hospital room. Who is coming?" I asked. "Hatori so that he can watch over you, Shigure, Kyo, Momiji, Tohru, Hiro and Kisa." Yuki said and then motioned to himself to say that he is going too. "That sounds wonderful!" I said high fived Momiji. "You're wondering about the stupid brat aren't you?" Kyo asked. I hesitated on whether I should tell him what I was thinking but I gave in. "A little. . ." Yuki shook his head and said "Hatsuharu will not be coming with us. He has been asked by Hatori not to come near you for a while. His temper has been on and off like a light switch and we don't need him hurting you again." I sighed. I really want to talk to Hatsuharu and clear things up; but I know the others won't let me go anywhere near him. "Haru - Nii has gotten out of a relationship with Rin. Don't blame yourself for it either." Hiro spoke up. I looked down at him curiously and he looked back at me; large brown eyes staring deeply into mine. I could sense the closeness between Hatsuharu and Hiro. "I won't go and see him if you don't wish me to." I told them a bit reluctantly. Akito is going to hate that I am letting the junishi influence my decisions. . . "Just for a little while. Until he calms down." Yuki told me as he patted my hand. I nodded and leaned my head against Hiro's. "When are we leaving?" I asked. "Tomorrow. I just signed your release papers." Hatori said as he came into the room and began to fiddle with my IV. "I'll go get the wheel chair." Kyo mumbled as he left the room. Yuki and Hatori each took one of my hands and helped me scoot to the edge of the bed. Hiro crawled off and stood by Kisa's side; watching us very carefully. "Easy now." Hatori told me as he and Yuki eased me into the wheelchair that Kyo had just brought in from the hall. I flinched a little and then relaxed myself. "I am not going to be able to walk anywhere." I sighed as Hatori took control of my chair and pushed me out into the hall. "We'll be there to help you around if needed. You shouldn't worry so much about that." He replied. "Yeah. We'll be here." Kyo echoed quietly. I reached out and took his hand, which surprised him, but he didn't let go. Instead he intertwined his fingers with mine and gave me a small smile. I wonder a lot about my junishi still, Kyo especially, but I'm sure this trip will help me sort some things out. . .

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2014 ⏰

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