Chapter Four - I'm hated...

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I let out several quick breaths as I punched into the air. It has been a few weeks since my triple date with Hatsuharu. . . Things had continued on and Hatsuharu acts as though nothing had happened between us on our date, though I suppose nothing can be done if he doesn't want to talk about it. On the upside, my fingers have completly healed so now I can finally use my hand! I've had the pleasure of helping Tohru with making dinner and doing the chores around the house, it felt good to be of use. "What in the hell are you doing?" Kyo asked as he approached me. He'd gotten up early to fit in a run, he is all sweaty and grubby looking. "Shadow boxing, what are you doing?" I asked in responce. "I went on a run isn't it obvious?" I rolled my eyes, he didn't pick up on my sarcasm. I went back to boxing with my imaginary friend and plugged myself back into my ipod. A hand automatically tugged on my earphones, pulling them out of my ears. "I was talking to you." Kyo said irritably. I wrapped the ear phones around my neck and contined to shadow box. "Talk then." I said. "Don't you need two people to box?" He asked. "No, this is shadow boxing. You don't need a rival." "You want one?" Hatsuharu asked as he came from out of the house followed by Yuki. I sighed and stopped. "If it'll make you guys go away then sure." "Ouch, harsh much." Hatsuharu joked. "I came out here to work out and you guys keep interrupting me." I pouted. "I get to go first then." Kyo said as he cracked his knuckles. "Bring it on cat boy." During the time I'd spent with everyone, I'd gained a lot more confidence with being around my junishi. I didn't feel as though I had to be cautious around them anymore and I knew they felt the same about me. Unfortunatally I haven't met any other junishi since meeting Kagura, though I hoped someone would come along soon. "You're going down!" Kyo yelled as he lunged at me. I swiftly dodged him and grabbed his arm. Giving him no time to fight back I flung him over my shoulder. He landed back first into the grass, Kyo not wanting to give me the satisfaction of having the first good hit brought his leg around and tried to knock my legs out from under me. I jumped over it and grabbed Hatsuharu's arm and swung him over me the same way I did to Kyo. He landed with a thud on top of Kyo. "GET OFF ME YOU STUPID BRAT!" Kyo yelled as he lunged at me again, pushing Hatsuharu off of him. I jumped up and landed on Yuki's shoulders. Kyo wasn't able to stop himself fast enough and ran into a tree. I laughed and flirtatiously kissed Yuki on the cheek. I watched closely as Hatsuharu's face hardened, it was obvious that he disliked what I'd just done. "Is that the best you guys can do?" I taunted. "Come at me." "YOU GOT IT!" Hatsuharu and Kyo yelled together. They both recklessly charged at Yuki and I. I closed my eyes and flipped off Yuki at the last second and landed gracefully on the grass. I turned to see all the boys in a pile on the ground. "I thought you guys has martial arts training! You all suck." I told them as I turned to return shadow boxing. I heard some grumbling and I smirked to myself as I heard them shifting positions. They didn't have a chance against me, they were fools for even trying. I ducked and heard the faint swoosh of a leg going over my head. I brought my fist up and smashed it into Yuki's side. We both battled it out as Kyo and Hatsuharu circled around us. Yuki failed to get a hit on me, where as I got many on him. I grabbed his incoming fist and swung him into Kyo. The three of them came at me all at once, once Kyo and Yuki got up. I'd easily evaded all their attacks, I gave them all one last hit and they all toppled to the ground beside eachother. I bowed as a round of applause was given to me. "Well done sweet heart, I've taught you well." Kazuma said. "Sensei!" I exclaimed as I ran towards him. He embraced me closely and he kissed the top of my head. "Sensei?" the boys asked. "Hatori you're here too!" I said happily as I hugged him too. He hesitated before hugging me back with equal strength. I pulled back and held onto Hatori's arm like a small child. "Where's my hug?" Shigure asked. "They'd get mad if I hugged you." I said as I pointed to Yuki, Hatsuharu and Kyo. "Why'd you call our Sensei your Sensei?" Kyo asked. I smiled brightly and brushed my hair out of my eyes. "Because he is my Sensei, silly!" "Since when?" Kyo asked. "Since I was very little. That's why he was never at the dojo on thursdays, he was with me!" Kazuma looked down at the boys knowingly then motioned for Kyo to come closer. He wrapped him in a hug and said "I'm sorry I couldn't say anything to you. I was under strict instructions from Akira. I hope you can understand." I smiled at the two, Kazuma had ofter told me that he thought of Kyo to be a son of his. I marvled at their closeness and wished I had a relationship as close as theirs. "I understand Sensei." Kyo said as he pulled back, clearly embarrased by being hugged in public. "Hatsuharu you're bleeding!" I exclaimed as I suddenly noticed the bright red gash in his arm. "Huh, I think the cat did that when you threw us on our asses." He said. "YOU WERE IN MY WAY!" Kyo defended. I rolled my eyes then rushed to Hatsuharu's side and took hold of his wrist. "Come on, I'll help you clean it up. I'm not going to let you stand out here and bleed to death!" I said as I pulled him into the house. "It's not bleeding that much." Hatsuharu reasoned as I sat him down at the table. I hurried into the bathroom and came out with a roll of bandages and a wet cloth. I pressed it gently to his cut, he cringed slightly but relaxed as I put more pressure on it. "I'm sorry you got hurt, I wasn't thinking." I told him. He stared at me with stony eyes, not replying to my apology. I was slightly saddened, but I kept my mouth shut. I finished tending his cut then got up to put away the rest of the bandages. The moment I got up a hand tugged me down. I landed in Hatsuharu's lap, I gasped as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "What are you..." "I don't forgive you." he said darkly. I stared into his eyes and they'd somehow changed, they seemed darker as well as harsher. "You don't. . . forgive me?" I asked slowly. I felt as though he'd just bulldozed my heart over times one hundred. "No I don't. Although..." he trailed off as he grabbed my chin. "I might be able to forgive you if you promise me never to kiss Yuki again." My eyes widened at his request, I kissed Yuki on the cheek as a joke, nothing more than that. "Okay. Just don't hate me." I said quietly. He opened his mouth and was about to say something but the door slid open. Kyo came in and stared at our position. "What the hell is going on?" He stormed. He came over and grabbed my wrist, pulling me up. "Did he hurt you? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER YOU SICK BASTARD?!" Yuki came running into the room and took me away from Kyo."Miss Sohma are you alright?" he asked as he wiped away at my tears. "I'm fine." I said through my hiccups. I hadn't realized how much Hatsuharu's words affected me. "She's hyperventilating. It's okay, shh." Yuki cooed, trying to calm me down. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Kyo yelled as he lunged at Hatsuharu. "No!" I gasped quietly. "Stop it you stupid cat you're making her more anxious." Yuki said as he lead me outside. "Hatori we have a problem." The adults immediately got up when they saw us emmerge from the house. "Lie down." Hatori said as he helped me to the ground. "I can't breathe." I gasped in short breaths. "What happened?" Kazuma asked as Yuki propped my head up by placing me in his lap. "Haru was in there with her, when I got there the stupid cat was about to beat him to death." Yuki replied. I wheezed uneasily as Hatori pressed his stethoscope to my chest. "I think it's a mix of anxiety and athsma. Rosalia I am going to need you to calm down for me." Hatori said as he brushed my hair back. I tried to breath slower to decrease the palpatations my heart was doing, though it didn't work. "I - I - I can't!" I gasped. Hatsuharu and Kyo came out of the house, they both looked flushed but I assumed it was because they were yelling at eachother. "Is she any better?" Kyo asked as he inched closer. "No I'm afraid not." Shigure said as he rubbed my foot. "Sweet heart tell papa what's wrong." Kazuma said as he took my hand in his. I looked at him dead in the eyes, it has been quite awhile since I've called him papa. "I - I - I'm hated." I managed to choke out. "Hated? How is that possible?" he asked. I glanced nervously at Hatsuharu then back at Kazuma. Yuki caught my glance and looked at Hatsuharu. "What did you do?" Yuki asked as he glared at Hatsuharu. "He went black and doesn't remember." Kyo said as he knelt down beside Yuki. "Shh, it's okay. You are nothing like Akito, you are not hated." Yuki said as he leaned down and placed his forehead on mine. I stared into his deep violet eyes and took some deep breaths. "Hatori her breathing is slowing." Kyo said. Hatori picked me up and carried me into the house. I glanced back at Hatsuharu who stayed outside, watching me with sad eyes.

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