Chapter 27: The Monster and the superhero

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Maybelle sat in the boat with Eddie waiting for the others to come back " So you have done this before? Eddie asked  "What? Maybelle asked confused "You know all this other world stuff" "Oh yup it begins in 1983 when Will went missing" Maybelle softly told him messing with her locket "Actually I didn't know much about the other world at first the boys and me went looking for Will instead found a girl in the rain with superpowers her names 011 but Mike named her El as a nickname" "superpowers? Eddie asked amused. Maybelle nodded

"I was leaving a party early when I almost walked into your car that same night Barb went missing Long story short  Johnathan Byers got a picture of this creature  Johnathan Nancy and I went monster hunting Nancy and me went through this weird tree opening it was like the forest but darker duster and slimmer and then the creature started chasing us it was a Demogorgon we found an opening Johnathan helped us out then Hopper and the other officers found Wills body then the boys with the help of El heard Will voice through a radio and the government started hunting us down El used her powers to find Will sadly Barb was dead.
Nancy Johnathan and I went hunting the monster again leaving the kids at the middle school Hopper and Joyce Byers went to get Will Steve came over and we tried killing the Demogorgon and it... swallowed me... Transferred me to the upside-down the other world and Hopper brought me back but El defeated the Demogorgon but ended up 'dying'. Maybelle explained "Holy shit" Eddie muttered Maybelle laughed at his shocked face "That's only one year there 2 more to go"

1984 First Dustin found a creature in his trash can and named it Dart  Will had to go to a government doctor after the accident and found El alive and she lived with me Well a day after Halloween Will was having this episode Oh and El was alive and in hiding thanks to Hopper I went over to check on Will then it was a chase to save Hopper got caught by the military something Happened to Will I was getting him a snack until people started screaming and gun were shot I hid in a closet apparently this creature Dustin calls Demodogs were set free Bob Newby hid in the closet before one found us we ran for our lives... we almost made it out one jumped on me giving me scars Maybelle pulled up her jeans showing her claw marked scar "cool" Eddie mumbled Maybelle let out a sad chuckle.
"Bob tackled the creature Hopper helped us get out but Bob never made it back" Maybelle's voice soften Eddie ruffled her hair Maybelle gave a small smile trying to fix her hair "We split into groups and Steve and I were the babysitters Billy stopped by to take Max home and he kicked Steve and my butt until Max stopped him with a drug and a bat with nails then Max stole Billy's car drove us to the dug out cave "wait for a drive? Eddie Maybelle laughed "yup with the help of El and Dart everything became normal again.

"last summer helped cracked a Russian code then got chased and almost killed by Russians almost got killed in a hospital by a creature of human flesh then went to the mall met Dustin Steve Robin and Erica the flesh creature called the Mindflayer doubled and came to kill us we tried leaving but it didn't end well Billy... attacked us he was controlled by the mindFlayer he tried handing over El the others started throwing fireworks at it delaying it Billy fought back... sacrificing himself Hopper Joyce and a guy named Murray tried stopping the Russians machine to the upside down and when they did the creature died and now here we are" Maybelle did fake jazz hands with a sarcastic smile.

"I'm surprised you involved but it makes you seem more badass thought" Eddie smirked Maybelle chuckled both jumped when the door slammed open Dustin Robin Max and Steve barged in holding bags of snacks and drinks Steve waved as Eddie calmed down putting the bottle down again Maybelle took a sip of cold water as Eddie was eating out of a box of honey combs "so we got some good news and some Bad news how do you prefer it? Dustin asked "bad news first, always" Maybelle nodded "all right bad news we tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our cerebro and they're looking for you Eddie Also, they're pretty convinced you killed Chrissy" "like 100% kind of convinced Max joined in  "and the good news? "your name hasn't gone public yet and nobody knows that you're here May".

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