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I wake up the following day on Ben's futon, and he's up bright and early, dancing around in his underwear

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I wake up the following day on Ben's futon, and he's up bright and early, dancing around in his underwear. When I met up with him last night, he was so wasted that he couldn't stand straight. He barely remembered what happened at Kara's. I had to explain to him repeatedly that Aubrey and Declan are siblings. It didn't make sense to him.

"But aren't they the same age?" He questioned. "So they're twins? They look nothing alike!"

I will say it's safe to assume that they're fraternal twins, but what do I know? Emma had a heart attack before she could explain everything. It's all a mind-fuck.

Even though it was a heck of a night for me, Ben said he had the time of his life and regretted not going years before this. It's definitely the metathesiophobia hitting him at last. The same stupid shit that has been plaguing me since the start of last year.

I pat the cushions and blanket, looking for my phone. This has become a frequent thing lately, me losing my phone at night. And I'm constantly waking up to it dead, too. Say goodbye to those days because I'm assuming, after what happened last night, I won't be hearing from Declan anytime soon or at all. So there goes my late nights.

Ben prances over and gets in my face, singing Pretty Woman at me. He claws like a cat and purs along after the second verse and dies laughing at himself.

"I can't stand you," I laugh.

"Pretty Woman, stop a while, pretty woman, talk a while." he sings even louder and pretends to hold a microphone in his hand, with only a towel wrapped around his bottom half.

I cover my face with my pillow and drop back into the futon.

"I'm meeting up with Kira for brunch. Want in?"

I throw the pillow to the foot of the futon to answer him. "Nah, I'll get out of your hair. I'm gonna go check on Aubrey."

Ben stops dancing and asks Siri to pause the music. His bright-faced ecstasy is wiped clean from his face. I hate to see how my life affects his mood; it feels almost burdensome.

"That's rough, man." He pouts and pulls his briefs up and under his towel.

"Has she responded to your text at all? Do you think her Mom is doing alright?" He asks as he rummages through his pants drawer.

"No clue." I hold up my phone. "phone's dead."

Ben scratches his head and places his hands over his hips, never looking away from his drawer. My eyes can't help but to trail down his back, but before I can get a good look, he swings around, and I'm now looking at his bulge. "Hey! Eyes up here!" He cups his junk with one hand.

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