we meet again and again | caelus x male!reader

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caelus (male mc) x reincarnated ! xiao ! m ! reader
not a request

we meet again
and again

I died. My time had finally come. I used to think I would be ok with finally having the burden taken from me... however, there are a few that I will always miss. Like Rex Lapis - er - Zhongli. And, of course..., his thoughts drifted to the blonde haired traveler who he adventured with and saved on multiple occasions.

"I probably won't see you, ever again. And that hurts even more so, than any karmic debt. But maybe .. we'll meet again, in a new life. A different life. One where, I would be more free to travel with someone .. like you, and see the stars that you traveled."

"And it shall be done."

His golden hues snapped open to reveal a vast void landscape. His body floating into the nothing. Though, that soon changed as a light engulfed him. Surrounded his entire being and cradled him gently.

"You'll meet them again, in a new life."

And everything suddenly went dark.


Y/n L/n lived an honest life. He stayed out of trouble, and even helped people in their time of need. He craved for a food called "Almond Tofu" but .. no one ever seemed to know what he was talking about. Even going as far as saying he dreamed of such a dish and calling it imaginary.

But y/n, oh y/n, he knew that the dish existed. It was just in another world. Or, well, another universe. A universe where his past life was. A life where he was called "Xiao."


His eyes shifted. His focus on a rather familiar group of people.

"Danheng, March, and...," his voice faltered when he looked to the third person in their party. Gray hair, gold eyes, light colored skin - y/n couldn't help but to take notice of the slight twinge of pain in his heart.

They introduced y/n to the newcomer.  Caelus .. it wasn't a name he was familiar with.

"It's .. nice to meet you. I'm Y/n L/n," he held out his hand to the taller male before him. And the moment that they fitted their palm into his hand, he felt a small spark light up between them despite the fact that they were both wearing gloves.

"Y/n," he said with a smile, as if remembering the name, "it's also nice to meet you."

Once introductions were over, Danheng grabbed y/n's attention once again.

"We're sorry for bothering, by the way, but there was actually a reason we sought you out."

"The reason being?"

"We need your help! Can you please join our party, Y/n?"

March piped up from next to Caelus and y/n couldn't help but to picture the Traveler and Paimon.

"If you really need my help, then .. I'm all yours."

He couldn't help but to soften a little at Caelus' smile.

I died back in Teyvat, and I never got to see the traveler ever again. But maybe, just maybe, there was an off chance that the one standing before me is who I've been missing the most.

"Thank you so much, and .. to get you even more on board," Caelus took out a compartment from his inventory and opened it up to reveal a certain dish that y/n never thought he would see again.

Almond Tofu.

Well, what do you know? I guess we really did meet again.

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