a good boy | gepard x female!reader

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gepard x dom ! f ! reader
pure filth / smut

gepard wears a collar.
yes, im proud with
what i have written.

y/n is a super soft dom.
im sorry, but I literally
cannot be mean to gepard
😭 he makes me feel so soft

edited + added some stuff

"Still hard at work, I see," y/n said with a grin as she walked into Gepard's office and shut the door behind her. His eyes seemed to brighten at her unexpected appearance, a smile on his lips as he went to stand and greet her, but she motioned for him to sit back down - to which he happily obliged.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I know I promised to be home early today, but ...," his eyes glanced to the stacks of paperwork currently cluttering his desk, "we had some issues that need to be resolved first."

Y/n hummed lightly as she went around his desk and pushed his chair back lightly, and before he could question her she was already plopping herself into his lap. He gulped at the sensation. Having her near always caused his cheeks to tint into a cute little red.

"Y- y/n?"

Her hand reached up to caress his cheek, before sliding down his jawline and finally to his shirt - pulling it down slightly, she couldn't hide the little smile on her lips when her eyes caught sight of the pretty white collar resting around his neck with a equally as pretty silver tag on the front with her name etched perfectly on it. She truly did like putting her name on things that belonged to her.

"You've been really good lately. Working hard too. I think you should relax a bit, don't you?"

She watched as his lips trembled at the thought, but he was quick to fasten as he gave her a worried look, "here? Can't- can't we wait till we get home?"

She noticed how his eyes darted to the door and then back at her as if he was contemplating something. How she adored his thinking face. It was cute.

"Oh? You don't want what I give you?"

He snapped his eyes to her, "w- what? No! That's not what i-"

She giggled as she gave him a soft kiss on his lips, shutting him up.

"I'm just teasing you, sweetie."

He bit the inside of his cheek, a small frown forming. But before he could retaliate further, she moved so she was now straddling his lap.


She cut him off again by trailing soft kisses down his jawline and to his neck. Her teeth lightly nipping at his smooth white skin. Goodness! It wasn't fair how soft his skin was, but she wasn't complaining.

She loved that about him after all.

And as she continued her ministrations, he couldn't help but to pant and groan. The feeling of her hips pressing down on him becoming something he was fully aware of. Damn, he really wanted to push her hips down further, force her to grind against him. But .. he was good, and he always listened to her. He wasn't going to touch her until she told him he could touch and feel her up.

And as if she heard his thoughts, she finally beckoned him to do something, "you can touch me, baby. Don't you remember what I said? You've been working so hard lately. I'll let you loose for today."

His hands were quick to land on her hips at her words. His fingers pulling her down as he maneuvered her how he wanted. His lips quivered at how her clothed cunt rubbed at the bulge in his pants.

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