Chapter One

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"Hello gorgeous, great morning, you look fantastic." My friend Enzo says once I meet him at his locker.

"You seem oddly energized for seven in the morning." I reply with a smile and hand him a muffin my mom gave me this morning.

"Well it is a great morning y/n also I heard that we are changing seats in science which is good because Chris was really starting to annoy me. And tell your mom these ones are better then the other batch." He says eating.

"One, you're coming over after school tell her yourself. Two, how would you know we are changing seats, no one has had her class yet. And it's been a week of school. But seriously who said?" I ask confused.

"A gossiper never reveals his sources." He jokes as we walk into geometry. 

"Yeah ok." I roll my eyes as class starts.

The next class is Science where just as Enzo said our seats are being changed.

"Damn I hate it when you're right." I complain and Enzo laughs.

"Miss l/n over here with miss Dunphy." The teacher says as we both sit next to each other.

"Hey." Alex smiles which I return. Alex and I have gone to school together since kindergarten but we hadn't ever talked to each other just the two of us. It's not like we hated each other or anything we just never became friends. 

"Ok class I want you to focus because this week you will all have a research paper due at the end of the week on the topic I announce to you and you will have to work with the person who is next to you." Miss Summers says and hands out papers to everyone.

"Seriously, how pressure/stress changes a person mental state. At least it'll be easy." She says with a shrug.

"Also this is homework so I suggest you make a plan with your partner about when to work." Miss Summers says and I turn to Alex.

"I'm free later if you want to start working soon." I say.

"Oh good I wanted to get going as soon as possible. I could use my sister as a test subject." She jokes. Or at least I think she was joking.

"Or we could talk about times when we were stressed or mention the finals last year." I suggest.

"You write the finals and I'll use my sister two pieces of evidence will do well." She says and I agree. "Ok can I have your number so we can text about it." She asks awkwardly and I agree.


"Ok but she's hella smart so you're lucky. Dakota could use some help. She's such an airhead sometimes." Enzo says.

"Just because she's smart doesn't mean she has to do the whole project Zo. I'm doing this." I say just as my phone buzzes.


Hey it's Alex, from science, I was just wondering what our hypothesis should be for the assignment. 

Ummm... How about stress/pressure makes an individual more likely to mess up due to the effects stress has on the brain

That's good and lack of sleep can also be used as an example of that bc less sleep makes someone less focused. I'm gonna go make Haley stressed :p ttyl

"Make Haley stressed?" Enzo questions.

"I'm thinking using her sister as a test subject wasn't a joke." I say


A/N: first chapter is short but the meeting happened so hopefully longer chapters will come and fair warning right now I am not good at slow burn. Also if you are a fan of marvel please go check out my one short books<3


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