Chapter 5- ghost cats

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"Hello? Is anyone here?" The bobcat mix said, she cautiously looked around in the dark room.
Maple saw nobody, yet it seemed like a someone is watching her from above. She walked through isles of shelves, still no sign of creatures living there. Out of the corner her eyes, Maple sees a mirror with a golden frame.
'Why am I afraid of a mirror, nothing is in it... right?' Maple backed away from the mirror, and ran out of the room in fear.

In Leaf's dream

Leaf woke up in a familiar white void with Faded's spirit standing in front of her.
"Faded, you're back! Is there something important you need to tell me?"

"Yes indeed, your time alive is limited and you will die in 6 months" Faded explained.
"Power comes with a price, animals with revival abilities like us usually have a shortened lifespan"
A timer behind Faded suddenly appeared, it was at 6 months, 4 weeks, 29 days.
"You'll have this much time before your heart stops beating"

"I see... we'll I accept my fate to save them" Leaf said confidently.
Her sister smiled back, knowing she had grown up to be a brave she cat.

"In these months, I want you to live your life to the fullest. Spend time with your friends, explore new places, and maybe tell her how you really feel"

'Her? Wait does she mean Maple?'
"Do you mean Maple?"

"There's nothing to be ashamed of Leaf, love is choice and I trust you to make the right decision to tell her or not. The first time you two met, Maple looked like she had saw an angel, and after we talked that night, you thought about how you feel about her" Faded observed the two as a spirit.

'Faded is correct, I never felt like that towards anyone but Maple. Even if we weren't meant to be, I still need to tell her'

"You're right sister, maybe I do love her and I only have so much time left on earth, I should take my chances with her" Leaf declared.

"I'm proud of you little sister, I have to go now. I believe in you"

Leaf wakes up on a chair, her hurries to find Maple in the room. She sees the door was open and goes to check if Maple left the room, both she cat bumped into each other in hall.

"Oh hey Maple, what are you doing out here?"

"I wanted to explore that room that we passed by earlier. Something isn't right about"

"I can go with you if that's okay, I can see spirit or some other supernatural entity" Leaf commented.

Both she cats went back to the mysterious room, Leaf observed the more they walked around the room, the more ghost activity there was.
"There seems to be a spirit here, that's why when we walked passed the room, someone was trying to lure you in here" Leaf continued,
"It seems like they have something important to tell us, do you want to talk to them?"
"Sure, why not" Maple replied.

The brown Maine coon walked towards the golden framed mirror, she gently grabbed the mirror and dragged it back to Maple.
She slices her shoulder, not deep enough to leave a scar but enough to draw blood. Leaf smears her blood on the mirror, as a ghost cat and two ghost kittens are summoned.

"So an experience sorcerer finally found us" a ghost cat spoke, her fur was black and transparent, her neck, chest, belly and tail tip were all gray.
One of the kittens had black fur with grey paws and chest tuft. The other was a smaller white kitten with one side of his face being black and a black paws.
"Sorry if we scared you Calico" the black kitten said as she walked closer to the duo.
"It's okay little one, I didn't know that the ghosts were just other cats" Maple crouch down to speak to the kitten.
"My friend here has sensed your presence, and it seems like you have something important to tell us" Leaf said to ghost she cat.
"Correct sorceress, I'm Tabitha. Mother to Spider and Coal, I know you've met my sons before"

"Wait... you're Tabitha! I have a question, what killed you and two of your kits?" Maple asked.

"Well Fire killed me at the pool and threw Ebony and Echo into the ocean..."

"But why did he kill you three?"
"I chose my mate to be Storm instead of Fire. And in order for us to go to the afterlife, you must kill Fire" Tabitha explained.
"Sure we can go find him right now and slit his throat open" Maple blurted.

"It's not that simple I'm afraid. There are security cameras and guards at night. But a good time will be at the firework show this weekend" the black cat continues "a lot of people will be there and so will the guards, you'll have time to cover the cameras and kill Fire"
"This is a good plan but shouldn't Spider and Coal be apart of this, they are your sons and want to avenge your deaths"

"I will tell them myself. You two can go back to sleep now" Tabitha meowed.

"Goodbye Tabitha, it was nice talking to you" Leaf said as her and Maple walked back to their room.

"Thankfully no one broke in when the door was open" Leaf sighed as she curled up back on the chair, Maple lays beside her.

"Yeah, tonight was eventful. Fire is a jerk but I never thought he killed three innocent cats" Maple mentioned.
"Agree, we can meet up with Coal and Spider tomorrow morning. Good night Maple" Leaf purred as she fell asleep.

"Good night Leaf, sweet dreams" Maple meowed as both cats fell asleep on the chair.

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