Cuts And Bruises.

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So.... Travis, huh? Pretty boring guy. About 6'2, bleach blonde hair that looks like hes never used toner, slim build, but even with that the dudes kinda strong. Not as strong as me though, 'cause i actually work out. He looks like he hasnt stepped foot in a gym in years. He probably doesnt even know what bench pressing is! What a total loser.

Hes quite boring, like I said. But not only is he boring; hes a prick, too. He picks on everyone he sees. He targets me and my friends the most, its cause half of us are gay, idenitfy with a different gender than given at birth, or gender non-conforming. (Cough Sal cough) He calls us faggots 24/7. It pisses me off. But i like to think Travis has some insecurities he likes to project on to others to make fun of them so he feels like he isnt alone. Which he totally is.

He sits alone at lunch almost every day at school, there's that odd time that Phillip Volker kid will join him, though. I think its 'cause he feels bad. I dont; of course he has no friends, he bullies and pushes everyone away. Im surprised Phillip still sits with him anyways.

Still, hes very boring. He lives with his dad, Kenneth, and works alongside him at the Phelps Ministry in the church, where they also live. Im pretty positive everyone knows that. His dad is an.... Odd man in my eyes. Hes freakishly taller than me AND Travis, has dark brown eyes, has blonde hair and a slim build. Not exactly a slim build like Travis, Travis' "slim build" looks more like he hasnt eaten in days. If im gonna be honest its kinda worrying. Anyways, Kenneth. He owns the church, its a family church so its gonna be around for decades after im dead. Unless Travis decides to move away and have kids somewhere else, i hope he does; i cant stand his face.

His perfectly shaped face... Strong jawline, the prettiest green eyes, even that bruise over his right eye makes him look pretty. His hair frames his face elegantly i cant help but stare when i have the chance. Hes caught me staring a few times, but does that stop me? No.

Wait why do i stare anyways? Hes so fucking boring, and an ass. Dont tell me i actually LIKE him! If i had to choose between liking him and dying, id die on the spot. He calls me some slur everyday and we get into fights AT LEAST twice a week!

Id off myself if i liked him.

Larry was fast asleep in his room, snoring loudly. Though his amazing sleep was ruined moments later when his alarm started blaring at 7:25 am. He groaned, groggily flipping over and shutting it off. As much as he didnt want to get up, he did anyways to save his mum the trouble.

He slowly sat up, waiting till he wasnt half asleep before getting up and going to his dresser. Larry grabbed some clothes, and some boxers, before closing his drawers and leaving his room, heading to the bathroom. He closed and locked the door behind him, grabbing a towel from the towel cabinet and placing the towel and his clothes on top of the toilet lid.

Despite Larry seeming like the type of guy to only take two showers a month, he actually takes regular showers to keep his long ass hair healthy. Which hes succeeded in doing so far. He started the water, letting it run as he got undressed. He yawned a bit as he looked in the mirror. Damn, i look like shit. He thought, seeing the eyebags under his eyes.

He hasnt been getting enough sleep, thats why he tends to sleep in a lot. Which is also why hes sometimes late. He shrugged it off and got in the shower, letting the warm water hit his skin.

Larry instantly relaxed, letting out a sigh as he got his hair nice and wet. He of course started to wash said hair, scrubbing every inch to make sure he cleaned his hair really well.

Take my heart, Travis. It's already full of you.Where stories live. Discover now