The Call.

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Larry is... The opposite of boring, if I must be honest. He's 5'8 to 5'11, he has long brown hair that's weirdly super healthy, and over all interesting. He has a group of friends, they're all gay in some way and it sickens me. One of the boys in the group is Larry's brother, the shorter blue haired one. His names Sal, he's so fucking annoying.

I hate him, I hate ALL of them actually. ESPECIALLY Larry.

I hate how cocky he is, I hate how he laughs, I hate that he's stronger than me, I hate his stupid tooth gap, I hate how good he is with words, I hate how he makes me feel, I hate how he gets along with almost everyone, I hate that he was the one to bandage my cuts and bruises, I hate how pretty he is, I hate that I want to hug him every time I see him, I hate that he's being nice to me.

Yet why does he make me feel so... So tingly?

In the bathroom yesterday during our free period, he bandaged my knees, and my arms. I even told him about my "problem" and he swore he wouldn't tell anyone... And he didn't. Oh, he smiled at me too. Many times. His smile made my cheeks all red so I looked away. He made me feel so... Cared for yesterday, I wanna feel that again.

But, you know, today was the same as it has been for the past three years.

I wake up, go to the bus and see his stupid face, then I go to school and see his stupid face. Then, of course, I throw an insult at him and his friends multiple times, sometimes get violent. God me and him get into fights at least twice a week!

Why do I have to be so violent? Maybe if I wasn't, me and him would actually get along. Maybe we'd actually be friends, maybe more.

Why would I wanna be more than friends with him? That's stupid. We're both boys, boys can't date boys, it's an abomination. 

Anyone that thinks otherwise are going to hell.

Travis made his way back to the place he despised calling home. It didn't feel like home; not one bit. But he had nowhere else to go as he didn't know where his mum moved to after she left that day ten years ago. Back then Travis wasn't as mean, and heartless. He was actually a really nice kid, he was gentle, sweet, and a bit shy. But that disappeared when his father became cold and heartless.

And violent.

Travis sighed as he got to his house, rubbing his eye. He just wanted to rest. The front door was locked so he grabbed his keys, unlocked it and went inside. He was immediately greeted by a small, siamese kitten. "Hey, Tammy..." Travis mumbled, bending down and picking the kitten up. Tammy mewed happily, licking Travis' face a few times. "I missed you too, sweetheart.." Travis carefully placed Tammy on his shoulder, getting his shoes off and sliding them neatly to the other shoes, then went up to his room.

He closed his door, sighing as he put Tammy down on his bed, filling up her food and sitting at his desk. He didn't have any homework, so he just decided to draw for a bit till his father came home. He put his headphones on, putting some music on and pulling out his sketchbook.

Travis proceeded to draw for the next hour, coloring in his drawing when he was done. He was absent-mindedly drawing so he didn't realize who he was drawing till he finished coloring it in.

It was Larry.

Why'd I draw him of all people? God he really got into my head.. That stupid fucking sinner..

Take my heart, Travis. It's already full of you.Where stories live. Discover now