September Update 2023

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Hi, I haven't written in a while. Sorry about that. My old laptop decided it didn't want to charge anymore and then proceeded to die and couldn't be repaired. Oh well, it won't be missed because it wasn't that good anyways. I do have a new one now of course, but in terms of writing I haven't updated at all, which is kind of poor from me to be fair. The biggest issue I have right now is writer's block. I have literally very little desire as of now to write (that'll change at some point, I know that). I can't really inspire myself to finish the chapter I had started writing months ago. Am I quitting? No, I'm not, and if I was, then I'd think the tone of this would be very different, and I wouldn't be saying that things will change etc. Anyways, from a personal standpoint, I start another year of University in a few weeks time, which is fun (tbf I do enjoy my course, most of the time), and at some point in the next few months I'll be doing assignments again, which will take up a decent chunk of my time (research, writing etc). 

This update was to let you know that I haven't died, the world hasn't ended, and I'm alive (unless I'm somehow a ghost, in which case, how the hell would I be able to write this if I were dead).

Probably, the only thing I'll update soon would be the shipping opinions cause I might have one in my mind to talk about.

I promise I'll update my other books soon (how soon is soon? Idk, probably by the end of the year, probably would like to push a chapter out before my bday in October).

Anyways, bye for now, enjoy life and I'll be back soon hopefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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