Eight ~ Evading capture

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Mile's POV:

THE DAY of whatever we'd got ourselves roped into had rolled around. We'd been up and ready since four am, going over the plan (thanks to my stubbornness and insistence). Turns out, we were going to capture and hand over the very man we'd only just locked away. Solomon Lane. Even the name makes me feel disgusted. Once we'd climbed into the trucks, we set off, to take up the positions we'd had allocated. Much to my dismay, there had only been room in the front for 3 people so naturally, I let Daisy take it (ladies first and all that you know?). Just basic manners on my behalf. But that did mean I was stuck in the back with a bunch of men dressed in black wearing masks and wielding guns. And they weren't just any guns oooh no! They were AK - 47's and they meant business! However I'd been reassured by both Dad and the white widow that they wouldn't harm me. The truck started to reverse so I knew we were now in position, the other truck (which we had radio contact with at all times) was backed into another dark corner, a couple yards away from us. With a sharp smack, the metal window slid open between the cab and the back. Dad surveyed the scene before giving a brief nod and receiving a thumbs up from one of the armoured men. His gaze then fell to me. I gave him a pointed look and a small, nervous smile. Dad seemed to take this as enough, nodding again and shutting the sliding metal thing back into place.

"Walker, go and place the camera on the wall. And make sure it works." I heard Dad say.

"Will do. Hand it over then." Walker replied, probably holding out his palm for the camera. Once it was acquired, he opened the van door and was gone for about a minute before returning.

"All is good. We're up and running now." He stated. There was a short lived silence before he spoke again. "Is it true Lane gassed a village of two thousand people?" Nobody replied for a few seconds.

"Yes." Dad said, clearly. He wasn't willing to discuss what Lane had done for pain and fear of blaming himself for all of it. Walker however, didn't pick up on this an continued to probe him.

"Is it true he brought down an entire passenger plane just to kill one man?" He persisted.

"Yes." Dad repeated. I could hear the pain in his words so that's why when Walker asked his next question, I answered for him, pushing open the metal slit beforehand.

"Is it true that-" I cut him off.

"Look, man whatever you've heard, if it makes your skin crawl and disgust coat your tongue, it's definitely true." I explained through gritted teeth.

"Holy crap." Daisy muttered under her breath yet it was enough for her to receive a sharp glare from her father and a warning for language.

"Why what's the matter? The girls correct after all. What's wrong with speaking the truth. Or more importantly, your mind?" I questioned. It took every inch of self control I possessed to keep myself from bearing my teeth and severely injuring this god forsaken man.

"That would be none of your business, mr Hunt. The way I raise my daughter is none of your concern." He snapped before slamming the weird metal window thing (whatever you want to call it at this point I don't know I've lost count of what I've called it) shut. To my surprise, Daisy was the one who opened it again and spoke directly to my Dad.

"You're the guy that caught him aren't you?" She stated, in disbelief.

"You're addressing him, yes." I mused. Immediately, she whipped round, eyes wide.

"You? But you're-" I stopped her, holding up a hand, grin forming on my face.

"17? Yes I know. Doesn't matter how young or small you are, you can still change the world." I grinned at her.

Desperate times, desperate measures (mission impossible 6) Where stories live. Discover now