Chapter Twenty-Five

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For the next week, Isabella had the time of her life with Clarette. Suddenly Stefan and Liam seemed to sneak around the two women. It was an odd behavior but Isabella didn't want to ask because she didn't want another argument with Liam. She was enjoying Lyon with Clarette. Clarette took her around the city and showed her the best shopping areas, the places for the best food. They went wine testing and perfume smelling. By the time Isabella was done she didn't want to see another bottle of wine or a bottle of perfume again!

“Oh, I'm so excited to finally have someone to do these things with!” Clarette exclaimed clasping her hands together as they walked along the magnificent Saône River.

Clarette reminded her so much of the girl she once was. She was excited about everything when her parents were alive because the moment they had time to spend with her, they lavished her with all sorts of luxuries and pampering. However, Isabella soon lost that girl when her parents died and she discovered that she no longer anticipated the visits and the outings. Instead, she had her pirate come in occasionally, take her for long lunches, interrogate her about school then take her back and fly back to the US. But now, with the way she and Liam were, she hoped she would find that carefree girl again.

“I'm glad I came to Lyon, Clarette. This place is unbelievable!” Isabella grinned.

Clarette's eyebrows arched up. “If you think this is unbelievable, wait till you see Marseilles.”

“I can't wait.” Isabella assured her then frowned lightly. “I wonder what the boys are up to?”

A little frown appeared on Clarette's forehead too. “Me too. They have been acting rather strange these past few days. I tried to get Stefan to talk to me but he didn't even budge!”

“Liam has been looking for reasons to get away from me all week. I hope it wasn't because of that first night when we had the argument.” She didn't want Liam avoiding her again. She had her share and hated every moment of it! Just remembering the cold dark days she spent in her bed crying herself to sleep while Stefan tried his best to assure her that everything was going to be alright made her heart accelerate.

“I don't think so. Liam loves you. I can see the way he looks at you. He can't take his eyes off you. And the way he's always beside you.” She breathed in and sighed longingly.

Isabella grinned to herself. Yep, Liam was being utterly nice to her again. The last time he was that nice to her, he forcefully bought her father's company right underneath her nose. She wondered what he was going to do this time. “Look at you talking about how Liam is always beside me. The last time I checked, Stefan was practically glued to your hip!”

Clarette blushed furiously as she bit into her lower lip to stop the grin itching to come out. “Stefan and I are just starting this dating thing--”

“So am I and Liam.” Isabella assured her.

“But you've known each other for a while, longer than I have known Stefan. I like him a lot and I think he is the one for me.”

“I'm very happy for you, Clarette. I know you'll make Stefan happy. You should see his eyes when he talks about you. They are like two big fireflies!”

Clarette giggled and touched her cheeks. “Oh my goodness! My face is getting a little warmer than usual.”

Isabella giggled back but she still couldn't shake the feeling that Liam and Stefan were up to something.

“Oh!” Clarette exclaimed pointing forward. “And speaking of the devils!”

Isabella looked up and right in front of her were Liam and Stefan standing outside what looked like a good restaurant and conspiring as usual. They looked out of that world with Stefan in a black pair of jeans, a gray shirt and a white Polo cardigan and Liam in faded gray jeans and a white v-neck long sleeved T-shirt. They both hid their eyes behind some fancy eye wear and were completely unaware of the attention they were catching from the ladies around them who were now trying their best to get the guys to notice them. They needed luck to get Liam to notice them, Isabella thought as a pang of satisfaction settled in her heart. Yes, that sinfully handsome man that every other woman was drooling over was her man!

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