Chapter Nine

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Over a hundred votes!! Wow! I didn't think that this book was likable especially since i've been writing it for over a year now. You guys make me want to write and finish it and for that you are all my Heroes!! I appreciate it a lot you don't know how much. Love you Guys!!!

Plus, I added a photo for Liam Vergil (Henry Cavill)~~~~~>


Isabella slipped the provocative lingerie she decided to buy quickly in the bag before Christy started with the twenty-one questions. She was trembling to her toe nails! She never thought stepping up her game to lure Liam in was so hard! She wasn't new to thongs and lacy bras but what she got didn't even have a category!

She loved the thrill that passed through her when she thought of enticing Liam with it. She could almost see his baffled face when he found her lying in his bed waiting for him. Now that she knew there was something more he felt for her than just brotherly love, she was determined to make him see her as the woman he deserved. Only she knew the real Liam. Only she accepted him with all of his flaws. Only she saw past that sinfully handsome billionaire face of his to the real man who was caring and protective and considerate. He had his fears and he had his challenges but what made him different from all the other men she had known was that he faced his demons head on and never accepted defeat.

“That little secret smile on your face is telltale of a boy.” Christy's voice came through snapping Isabella back in to reality.

Instinctively, Isabella clutched the incriminating bag to her chest and shook her head. “I don't know what you're talking about.”

Christy's eyes narrowed suspiciously as she eyed the bag. “I hope that whatever you have in there has nothing to do with this boy you've been daydreaming about all day!”

“You are treading on my privacy, Christy!” Isabella burst out. “I have a life of my own and I hate it when people snoop around it! Stop it!”

Christy raised in hands up in defeat. “Woah there, fire-spitting dragon! I was only asking.”

Isabella closed her eyes for a moment and breathed in. She felt like a child high on caffeine. Her nerves felt raw, her heart was racing and her skin felt a little too tight. This was what happened she stepped out of her comfort zone and tried to be someone she was not.

Oh come on, Belle, who are you kidding? We both know there's always been that naughty part hidden somewhere deep inside you itching to come out. Let her out for crying out loud! Don't be such a snooze bag! A little voice teased her.

“I'm sorry, Christy, I was out of line.” She bit into her lower lip.

Christy raised her eyebrow at her. “You think?” Then she cringed her forehead like tin-foil as she scrutinised her face. “When was the last time you had a facial! And look at those split-ends--” Her cell phone buzzed out loudly.

As she answered it, her face still scrunched down like she was licking lemon, Isabella looked down at her hair. She didn't have split-ends—hey, where did those come from? She frowned at the fluffy hair. Maybe it was high time she started taking care of herself more. On top of the facial and the hair, she was going to add a manicure and pedicure and anything else that would make her that more attractive-- “she's doing okay, a little shell-shocked but okay”--she heard Christy say and knew who she was talking to. There was only one person who would worry over her like that and for the first time in his life, he was running scared.

“Tell him he'll have a lot  more to worry about by the time I'm done with him!” Isabella snapped and turned for the door where several reporters still loitered about in the afternoon heat. She put on her shades and walked to the salon which was several doors down.

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