when angel love devil ch 7

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Chapter 7 ...

'' i don't believe in love '' Mr Smith said

'' you don't believe or you don't want to believe ,because if you believe or not it exist ''

'' even if it exist it not last .. Nothing last forever .. So why i will fall in love if it not last ''

'' may be you the one who need to take a risk not me ''

'' you don't know anything to tell me what i have to do '' he said annoying

'' then tell me ''

He looked at my eyes for seconds .. Then

'' i think the lunch break is over .. And you have a lecture to attend ''
He look everywhere but me

Does he just kick me out....

'' you know i'm sorry for wasting your lunch break time ''

'' jana ...''

He called me but i didn't look back and left his room running ....

How he did that to me ... May be they were right .. I will not think about Mr arrogant again .. Yeah i changed his name ... I will just concentrate about my studies only nothing else and i have to forget about him ...

Lena and alex tried thier best to know why im my mood is getting worse
But i didn't tell them anything ...

The day end so slow and i didn't forget how he talked to me and how he kicked me out ....

The rest of the week i didn't see him and it was good thing because i still annoyed from him ... So it past so fast ...

And today is Monday .. And i have lecture with mr arrogant .. I will just ignore him and concentrate in the lecture ..

'' hello all, i hope you had nice week end ...cuz we have today a lot of work to do today''

By that he start his lecture and i was looking everywhere but him
Until he Finnish ... When i was going out with lena and alex he call my name ...
'' miss Weston , could you wait second please !! ''

'' what he want '' lena asked

'' i don't know ''

'' okay will wait for you outside '' alex said

Then the left me and i found myself alone with him in the class

'' what do want Mr Smith ''

'' i'm sorry for the last time .. I don't mean to talk to you like that way''

'' it's okay ... Anything else ''

'' do you still angry with me ''

'' why i will be angry with you !? ''

'' jana you don't know anything about me .. So please don't treat me like that ''

'' like what sir ''

'' like you hate me ''

'' i don't hate you sir ''

'' so why you talk to me like that ''

'' may be like you said i don't know you .. May be i thought you different .... But i think they were right ''

'' what do you mean .. Who they .. And what they were right at !?''

'' nothing .. Just forget ''

'' jana .. Please talk to me ''

'' why to kick me like the last time ''

when Angle love Devil (teacher /student)Where stories live. Discover now