when angel love devil ch 11

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Chapter 11 ....

I woke up on loud knock on the door if my room .. 'Who the hell is that and why he knocked like that '

I walked to the door and opend it to see an glaring eyes at me

'' why are you sleeping till now '' mr smith said angry

'' what .. Why ... What the time now ''i asked trying to open my eyes

'' it is 11: 15 pm , you know the conference is at 12 sharp '' he said annoyed

This man is bipolar ... Or crazy ... How he could change to fast ...

'' okay wait just 10 min and i will be ready ''

'' what are you wearing '' he looked at me from up to down with confused look

Huh , he didn't remember .. My first kiss was for drunken man and he didn't remember it .. Omg ...i want to scream..... But if we look to the bright side ..May be it is good to not feel weird all day

'' nothing .. Just wait for me at then reception hall and i will come down''

'' okay .. Just Harry up '' i nodded then he left ..

He didn't remember great ...

After i took so fast shower and get changed and put my hair in bun .. I waled down the reception .. And then i found him looking at his watching worried

'' hey , i'm here ''

'' okay lets go now ''

Then we took a taxi and went to the conference ...
It was boring place they all talk about physics ... And i was feeling that my head is getting bigger and bigger .. Yug .. When we will leave ...

And finally it end and i just took a breath ..

'' okay we will go now to hotel to eat dinner and then you will go to sleep ''

'' really .. And you ,what you do .. Like yesterday .. Will go to the bar ..''

'' how do know ... '' he looked at me with confused look

he just forget that i was there from the beginning

'' i felt that what you will do '' lie .. And give him fake smile

'' i 'm old i could do what i want '' he said like it eas obvious thing

'' and i'm not kid any more i could do what i want to '' i said with confidence

'' no you are my responsibility ''

'' okay so we will go together and you will take care of me ''

'' do you want to go to bar !? No way .. ''

'' okay we will figure something else ''

By that we reached to the hotel .. We went to the restaurant .. Then ate our dinner .. After that when we was getting from the restaurant to the elevator ,i saw a poster of singing night at the beach ... Wow great ..

'' i found where we will go ''

'' where !? ''

'' there '' and pointed to the poster '' and don't say no ''

He wait few seconds like he was thinking and then said

'' okay , go change and take some rest and we will go ''

When i gave him my back he call me

'' wait ''

''What !? ''

'' give me your phone number if i lost you ''

'' okay '' then i took his phone and save my number in it ,by that i left him and went to my room..

Afyer taking rest and shower i got dressed on black top tank, short skirt and flat black shoes and then put my makeup and leave my hair straight , after that i went to the recipient .. And there he was ... He wear white v-neck T-shirt appearing his muscles clearly ... He is perfect ... Omg ... And blue jeans failing at the edge if his waist

But he caught me in my gaze ...

'' what do you like what you see !? '' he asked is cocky smile

'' huh .. I .. I 'm ...'' .. I couldn't found the words ....but i caught him too staring at me as he looked at me up and down more that couples times with open mouth...

'' i think you too like what you see '' i said with rising my eyebrow

'' huh .. what .... No .. I mean yes ... I mean ... '' he lost his words

Then after a seconds he talk

'' what are you wearing '' he said still looking at me up and down

'' we are going to the beach .. What do you want me to wear ..'' I said like it a obvious ...

'' okay let's go .. But you will be by myside all the night ''

'' okay sir '' i said with small smile

Then we went to the beach and the was fire and people around it in semi cycle and young boy like my age was singing .. And he has beautiful voice ... And was handsome ... But not like Mr Smith....

We stayed near each other ...then that boy start to look at me and smile .. And start to sing songs about first sight love without stop staring at me ... Until he made uncomfortable .. But not just me cuz mr smith clenched his fist and was drinking a beer like he never see a beer before i found four cans near him ...that he mean he in his five..... When he got all those ..... Oooooo .... He will be drunk again ....

I broke my thought by some one in front of me giving me his hand

'' hi beautiful , would you join me... Im Josh '' he was they young boy that was singing

'' oh, hey josh .. I'm jana ..'' When i was trying to hold his hand some one cut me

'' don't you see that she is with some one ''Mr Smith said glaring at him

'' sorry dude '' and rise his hand in surrender

'' come with me '' mr smith said throwing six can and taking the seven ... Then he give me his other hand so i took it and then hold his hand with mine .. And start to walk on the shore ....

He is holding my hand .. It was feel right ... OMG ... But wait his drunk ..he will forget all that tomorrow .. ... Oooh what will happen if he kissed me again ... Like the last night ... He will forget about it too ... Why he always showing me his love when he drunk ....

when Angle love Devil (teacher /student)Where stories live. Discover now