when angel love devil ch 12

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Chapter 12 ....

We was walking on the shore holding hands ... Then after he finished the can he threw it on the sand ... Then made me look at him ...he looked at my eyes for seconds .. Then he talk

'' you know , i always get mad when some one flirts with you '' he stop for seconds like he was thinking what to say

'' i'm sorry beautiful ''

'' sorry for what '' i said confused

'' for this '' and then he leaned on me and i didn't notice that our faces are inches away .. Until his lips brushed mine .. Then he kissed me ...

Ooooo .. It's my second kiss with him ... It my second when he drunk he will not remember tomorrow .. But i didn't care about all that .. And i kissed him back ... With all love i have to him .. And then he deepened the kiss until it become french kiss ..

Until he broke the kiss for some air .. And his heart was beating so fast ... Why his heart is always beating so fast like that ....

Then he put his forehead on mine and look at my eyes and i looked at his .. I don't know for how long but i don t mind ...

Until his breathing calm down ... Then he said

'' you are so beautiful '' and he kissed me again but this one was fast one

then he said '' we have to go '' i nodded as yes ..

Then when we reached his room he was feeling dizzy so i get the card from his pocket and took it and open his door ..

I tried to put him on the bed but it end by .. Me fall on bed and he is above me ...

I tried to move .. Until finally i could .. So i but him on his bed and covered him with blanket and the kiss his cheek and then closed his door and headed to my room ...

I took a shower .. Trying to get what happen ..and changed to my pj and then start to think .. What if he didn't remember that he kissed me again ... I really falling for him ... And i don't know what i will do ... I don't want my heart to break ... Until i feelt my eyes heavy then i felt asleep...

I wake up early .. And decided to took of my mind and go to swim

I wear my bikini and above it v-neck vest top and .. Mini short jeans .. And my hair in ponytail ..

Then when i was walking out side my room headed to the elevator i passed by his door .. And it open and i jumped .. When some one yell

'' where are you going ''

'' to the beach '' i said with smile

'' oooh , wait can't go alone ''

'' okay come with me ''

'' i .. I... '' i cut him '' you can't swim , can you !?"

'' no not like that ''

'' okay just harry and change i will wait you down ''

What he was going to see .. Never mind ... Relax for the beach ...

After a while he was down wearing black top and shorts and i could see his 6 pack abs .. He is hot ..

'' like what you see ''

'' nope '' popping the 'p'

'' ooh you heart me '' and he put his hand on his heart like he was hurt '' but i know that you like me ''

I blushed .. What he remembered what i said when i was drunk that Friday night ...

'' its okay who's not like me '' he said in cocky voice then i rolled my eyes

'' okay mr arrogant , coukd we go to the beach ''

'' hey '' then we both start laughing

We went to the beach and put two big towels on the sand and but our clothes on it and we are weaing the swimming suit now .. he was shirtless ... He look perfect .. OMG .. Don't look at him jana he will know ...

When i looked at his eyes .... He was looking at me up down

'' do you like what you see '' i said with sexy voice

'' huh ... I .. I ... You look beautiful '' he is blushing ... Mr smith is blushing and he said i'm beautiful and he was sober .. He make me feel like my cheeks burn

'' let's swim '' he said changed the subject

'' yeah '' i said with smile and looking at the ground

Then every one go alone in the sea to swim ... Then i found some ine call my name .. I looked it was mr smith ...

I swam back to him cuzbi was in the deep more than him

'' what !? '' i asked confused

'' don't go that far .. I will not be able to help you if go that far ''

'' why .. Do you could swim will ''

'' no but something like that '' he said looking everywhere but me ...
What he mean by that .. He cut my thought

'' just swim near me ''

'' do you want to swim together '' i asjed rising my eyebrow

'' maybe !? '' He said with cocky smile

'' okay as you wish '' .. Then i dive into the water and took his legs make him fall ... Then when he stand again ... Our eyes locked together for a moment .. Then he break it and said

'' do you want to play , aha !? ''

'' yep '' i said popping the 'p'

then he did what i did to him make me fall too then when i was up i tried to do it again with him but he was fast ant but his arms around my waist to prevent me from going down ... Then he pull me closer to him

'' you will not do that again '' he said with smile

'' really '' i said whispering

'' yup '' he said popping the 'p'

Then iur eyes locked for moment then he leaned and our faces are inches now away ... Then i feelt his lips on mine .. Oooh he kissed me ..and he is not drunk he is sober .. Omg

When i started to kiss him back he pull away ...

'' i'm sorry .. I don't know how i did that ''

'' it .. '' i start to talk but don t know what to say ge didn't know that he kissed me before more than two times ...

'' it's okay '' i finally said

'' i think we have to go ''

'' okay ''

After that he didn't try to look at me all the day .. Like i was the one who kissed him .. He even avoid talking to me and when he talk he just say few words like he say nothing ... What i done why he treat me like that ..

Until we reached my home , he did't even say 'goodbye' and was just in his bubble looking every where except me ..

Does he will treat me like that for ever ... How i could face him at college .. He make me feel like i did something wrong .. He must be bipolar or crazy ...

when Angle love Devil (teacher /student)Where stories live. Discover now