Chapter 2

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I got back to class getting ready for my test, which is having a good sleep.

"Hey! Wake up!" Satang whispered, patting my shoulder

"Oh, sorry." I answered

I woke up realising Satang woke me up, Satang woke me up! o my god! Ah! Ok, ok, calm down. I blushed almost as red as a tomato, but when look back at him, seeing him sobbing and having bandage on his beautiful face makes my heart hurt so much, oh my poor cutie, I... I mean Satang, he doesn't deserve this.


I spend the rest of the tests days worrying about Satang, and can't focus on anything, not even my band practice, oh, I forgot to say that me and my friends have a band, I am playing the bass, we don't know what to name it yet so we just called it 'the cool band', which is a bit uncool.

"Hey Winny! Are you ok? You seems a bit spaced out." Prom asked, actually worried

"Huh? Oh, yeah, i'm ok." I lied

"Is it about Satang?" Ford asked, which surprised me a lot.

"Wait! How did you know!" I asked, looking at Fourth which is avoiding my sight right now.

"Come on, everyone knows, Ford said that you told Fourth which told Gemini which told Mark which told him and lastly told me and Captain." Prom answered

"FOURTH!!!!" I yelled

"Eh, I only told Gem!" Fourth said while running away from me who is trying to hit him.


After we calm down a bit, I have a question in my head that I really want to ask so I did.

"Hey Fourth what's your relationship with Gemini anyways? And you too Ford, How did you know Mark?" I asked

"Well... eh... " they both stuttered

"Come on, I already told you everything." I said

"Well... me and Mark are like... dating." Ford answered

"What!?" All of us said the same thing

"Since when!?" Captain asked

"It doesn't matter! Eh... what about you Fourth!" Ford said, changing the subject.

"Me and Gem are also dating." Fourth said

"O my god! You guys made me feel like an idiot." Prom said

"*cough* maybe because you are. *cough*" I said

"Hey!" Prom said

"How about you then Winny?" Captain asked

"what do you mean?" I asked, feeling confuse.

"About Satang obviously, and you said I'm an idiot." Prom said

"Idk, I'm just worried I guess." I said while blushing a bit

"Wow! Our mr. Winny is blushing." Prom said

"And he is worried as well." Fourth added

"You must really like him." Ford said

"Oh shut up!" I yelled, definitely not trying to hide my blushing face

"Why are you worried though?" Captain asked

I told them everything that I saw, including that annoying Sound and the bullying, while they keep asking stupid question that even Fourth has to answer for me. But at least I feel better saying things out, instead of keeping them all inside.

"What made you like him?" Captain asked

"Idk, maybe it's that time when my last band guitarist hurt his hand so someone called Satang to be the guitarist. He is so good at it, when we started the show he hasn't missed any note! also the solo is so good that it made me... " I explained

"Fall in love, wow, very romantic, I don't even know how many times I heard this." Fourth said

"Wait! You have another band!?" Prom asked

"Yeah, but I got kicked out of the band when they found another bass player." I said

Then they just wouldn't stop with the question, which made me blush a few times. 

Please help me!!!

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