Chapter 19

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Idk if I have time to update the next chapter, so I'll update now. Hope you all have fun watching 

I woke up early today because I can't sleep and Win is acting strange, but it's none of my business as he said. What is important right now is taking care of Satang, so let's go on a date

I went to Satang's room, Win's room or my room whatever you called it, and saw them sleeping with Win hugging Satang!

"Wake up!" I shouted while pulling Win away from Satang

"It's still early, Satang is still asleep" Win said, yes Satang is normally the first one up but

"It's because we don't have school today! You do!" I said, still trying to pull Win up as he keeps on falling asleep, but he suddenly woke up

"Oh yes! o my god! I'm going to be late! can I barrow your motorcycle" Win asked

I stared at him waiting

"Please" Win begged, i don't know how he's able to say this word, for me I just can't

I nodded and he ran down to my motorcycle forgetting his bag again

"Your bag!" I yelled

"Oh, sorry bye!" Win yelled back

I turn around and saw Satang awake looking at me

"Oh, sorry I didn't know I woke you up" I said

"It's fine, I need to wake up anyways" Satang said

"Are you alright, you seems like you're sick" I asked

I touched his forehead with the back of my hand

"O my god! you're burning" I said, guess the date is canceled

"I'm fine, I need to find Sound today" Satang said getting up

But he fainted, thankfully I caught him just in time

"Get some rest today" I said putting him down on the bed

"But I need to get that book to... " Satang said

"I'll take care of it, get some rest" I said

"Thank you" Satang said, music to my ears, I need to stop being a creep

"When does he need this" I asked

"Probably when school finish" Satang said

"I'll buy you some medicine you just rest now ok?" I said

"Ok" Satang answered, he's cute- snap out of it

So I did what I said and went down but I forgot that Win borrowed my motorcycle, it's fine I can just walk, it's not far

I arrived the shop and bought some medicine, I don't know how I don't have any medicine. Wait, that's because I said they're useless, why am I buying them then!?

Just as I was trying to make my brain explode, I saw Fourth. I should go say hi. Never mind Gemini is here, I'm not third wheeling again

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