chapter 22

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"You sure you're okay on your own" I asked

"Yeah I'll be fine, no need to worry na ja" Satang answered with a sweet smile, ahh! I want to pinch his cheeks so bad

"I'll be gone for a while, just make yourself home even though it's like your home already" I said

"Bye" Satang said


Phew, I can finally breath. So I am walking to Sound's school to drop of the book tang borrowed, it's called 'My School President', sounds cool maybe I'll watch it, but that's not the point, the point is will Sound even trust that tang is my friend?

It'll work fine, he can just call tang if he doesn't trust me, and maybe I can ask him more about tang


I waited a long time for Sound before he eventually show up, I were literally thinking that I went to the wrong place.

I saw Win driving him here on MY motorcycle, with Sound's hand on Win's waist and smile. I need to tease him about it when he get home

Win stopped the car and let Sound off

"Took you long enough" I said

"Where's Satang?" Sound asked

"At my house and he is sick so I'm here" I answered

"Why is he sick?" Sound asked

"How would I know!" I answered, is he dumb or what

"Where is he now?" Sound asked

"I already said at my house!" I answered, I swear if he ask one more time

"Why is he at your house?" Sound asked,

"Oi! Stop asking dumb question you idiot" I yelled

"How can I trust that you're Satang friend when you don't answer my questions!" Sound yelled

"Even if you ask these question it wouldn't help anyways!" I yelled again, I hate it when I need to talk to these people

"How would you know!" Sound yelled

"Fine! He's at my house because of that Pawin guy! You happy now?" I said

"You know about Pawin?" Sound asked, he is just going to keep asking question isn't he

"Yes he is literally pain" I answered

"He never tell anyone about him, I found out by myself" Sound said

"Guess he trust me more than you" I said

"What do you know about him" Sound asked again, when is the question going to stop

"He was Satang's ex and he always use violent against him" I said

"He really do trust you a lot" sound said

"Do you know the reason he doesn't let people touch him, 'cause every time we got to this topic he would break out in tears" I asked

"I don't know why to put this but he once kill his friend in front of him and that why he doesn't want to be close with anyone" Sound answered

"He must be traumatised" I said

"So if you really do like him then promise me to take care of him the best you can" Sound said

"How did you know!?" I asked

"You were so obvious" Sound answered

"Fine but I also know that you like Win" I said

"How" Sound asked

"You know  you smile like an idiot back there" I said

"Shut up" Sound said

"You guys done?" Win shouted

"Got to go, and also Win told me to tell you that we are staying at school practicing for tomorrow" Sound said

"Oh I almost forgot, good luck on Hotwave, and take care of your hand" I said

"Thanks, but don't worry I have a good caretaker" Sound replied

"Him? I'm afraid I'm right to be worried" I said

I hand him the book and he was gone, I did't realise it was this late before I look outside the windows, I need to get back home

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