Other worlds collide part two

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Anderson had ended up on earth two with his counter part, he was taking off his suit and speaking backwards.

Nobody could understand him, not even his counter part whom was standing next to his wife's counter part.

"Can you understand him?" His counter half was asked by Ally, whom they were trying to keep the pedants away from.

"No, but he definitely needs help." His counter half said, looking at him seeing that he had one of the pedants.

"He's got one of the pedants, get it." Ally told his counter part, before seeing him get a headache as he started to act weird.

Anderson was connecting his thoughts to his other half, he smirked as he activated the pendant that was around his neck

He watched as the over him got hypnotized by him, he soon started to merge with his other self, which caused Ally to panic and look at the second Jonathan.

"Stop them from merging." She told him, before watching as Renee from earth two tried to stop them but was thrown into something unconscious.

While Ally watched, as Johnathan killed the Anderson from their world which caused Anderson to look horrified. "No!" He shouted, as he watched his counter half burn by the kid and fall to the ground nothing but burnt bone.

Anderson quickly and horrifyingly, sped off taking the other pendant from Ally in the process. He didn't know what to do now, other then go see Lois and try to get some help but he felt bad for his wife's other half and also his half.

He didn't think the boy was gonna kill him, but he was definitely very wrong. He headed towards where Lois works on his earth, he went there looking for her but he didn't see her.

Anderson tried to ask Chrissy if he could speak with Lois Lane, but nobody could understand him and thought that he was crazy.

"Great he's insane." He heard the worker named Janet tell him.

"I think he's just speaking a different language." Chrissy said trying to understand him, before looking at a piece of paper that he wrote on as he spoke backwards. "Or backwards." She said kinda understanding now.

Anderson stood there watching and listening, he looked at Chrissy as she gave him back the paper telling him that he needed to leave there now.

He looked confused til he got the memo, nodding his head hesitantly putting the paper in his pocket as he sped out the door.

He made it to the place that was on the back of the paper, he hitting the building and coughed for a split second from using his superhuman speed.

Anderson opened the door and walked inside, sitting down on the floor looking at the piece of paper thinking about his wife and daughter back home.

He missed them both greatly and hoped that they were alright. He snapped out of his thoughts, looking up at the door when Lois Lane from earth two showed up along with his wives double. "We need to hurry." Lois told him.

Anderson followed her to where her family was staying underground, he spoke but she couldn't understand a word that he was saying because it was hard to understand him.

"Excuse sir. Do you know what happened to my dad? We went to your world?" Jordan from earth two asked him.

Anderson looked at him confused. "Dad?" He asked, before watching as Jordan brought him a over a picture of the family.

"Dad. My dad. Have you seen my dad." Jordan asked him, wanting a answer.

Anderson sat down looking at the photo, he said dad again as he looked at the photo again realizing what he had done.

Anderson talking backwards apologized, before breaking down crying unable to say anything else.

Anderson talking backwards apologized, before breaking down crying unable to say anything else

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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