The story begins...

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(Edward Nygma's POV)

8AM at BeatMeat University.

Backpack over my shoulder, swaying side to side as i walk down the large corridors of my University. As I walk through numerous lockers i pass different groups of people. The bullies, The popular girls, The jocks, The football team and then my friend group...the stupid ones..

"Good Morning", I mumble, too tired to speak in a higher volume. My friends stare at me, blinking as if a bunch of robots are processing information right in front of them. I assume they're just as tired as I am, if not, even more. 

Eventually my closest friend, Oswald responds. "Morning, Ed.." his voice is low, making him seem upset and tired but I just brush it off. I smile softy, trying to lighten the mood up. 

Before anything else can be said, the bell rings. It's loud and buzzes through my ears, causing me to flinch slightly. I sigh and grumble to myself before checking my watch, finding which class I have next.


I swiftly make it into a random lecture hall, hoping its the right classroom. My breath is heavy as I've been running. I'm rarely ever late, this is one of those days unfortunately.

I stand there frozen, like a deer in headlights, staring at every one of the peers. trying to figure out whether or not this is my class.

 I clear my throat loud enough for the professor to hear, she looks up at me, squinting to see me better as I'm standing all the way at the top of the lecture hall. I swallow thickly, feeling pressured to speak. 

"Uh..", I start, My voice echoing across the whole hall, but i force myself to carry on. "Do you happen to", I pause for a second again, looking down at my watch to read out the teachers name that's meant to be teaching me now. "Miss Rosewriter??", I smile slightly, finger crossing it is her.

The professor raises her eyebrow in confusion and then shakes her head, slightly frowning. My heart pumps faster as i nod my head frantically before swiftly making it out of the room, now running to another classroom, hoping (just...out of pure luck) to enter the right class this time.

I burst open the two front doors of the lecture hall, panting under my breath. Every ones heads turn towards me, staring. Especially the teacher as I've interrupted her.

i sigh, frowning as i squint, trying to see the teacher, "are you-", Suddenly i get interrupted by her..(RUDE..) "Miss Rosewriter??, yes. Yes i am.", She says in a slightly stern tone. I don't blame her, I'm late and I've just randomly ran into her class. I just nod my head silently before sitting down. I choose a seat near the front of the hall, in order to pay proper attention to the lecture.


After an two hours, The class is dismissed...though Miss Rosewriter chooses to hold me back as the others flood out of the hall. She approaches me as i stand from my desk, looking at her with uncertainty.

"Nygma??, Is it??" She asks with a small smile appearing on her face, making her look soft and sweet. I ease up and feel a bit more comfortable about being held back from that. I nod my head, responding, "It is" I give a small smile back.

"Right.." She says as she stands in front of me, staring into my big hazel eyes. I choose stare right back at her shining, green eyes, immediately getting lost in them before snapping back to reality when she starts to talk again. "Well.., Nygma.. I'd prefer it if you didn't barge in late and create a scene in my classroom. I don't want that to happen again, okay?" I stare at her lips as she speaks, admiring her pink lipstick shining at every movement she makes when speaking. After a few seconds of silence I look up to her eyes and immediately nod my head, realising I've just been staring at her. My cheeks flush pink from embarrassment and i quickly look to the side "yeah- um..yes I'll make sure not to do that next time, Miss.." I quickly say, my eyes making it back to hers. She flashes me a small smirk before nodding her head, dismissing me after. 


I sit on the concrete floor with my friends, watching them quietly chatter and eat their food, my mind wondering to think of my interaction with Miss Rosewriter, How strange yet sweet it was. A few moments later, I feel a light tap on my shoulder which snaps me out of my daydreaming to turn around.

It's none other than, Qilin, My best friend ever, A one that I'd share all my secrets too. We're practically two sides of the same coin. My face lights up, eyes shining with happiness and smile bigger then ever. I swiftly stand up and give him a tight, loving hug, "Qilin!!, It's been such a long time!!" I step back, giving him space as Qilin chuckles 

note : GRRR THIS IS UNFINISHED I HATE ROSEWITTER!!! (anyways if you want me to continue just comment it)

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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