Chapter 16

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"I'm coming over"
Gunwook could hear Ricky say and tried to stop him.
"Wait Ri-" He was cut off by his mother as she ended the call.
"No! Don't please!" Gunwook cried out, begging to his mother.

And that old hag smirked.
"Now, what did we say about f**s like you, huh?" She said as Gunwook looked down at the ground, crying silently.
"I thought you would change, you fucking piece of gay shit" She said as she slapped Gunwook's face.


And as for Gunwook, he sat still.
That was the first time they ever laid hands on him. Sure, They liked to emotionally abuse him but never once hurt him in a physical way. Not because they cared for him but because they have a reputation and a certain image to show infront of the people that liked them.

His parents were lawyers.
They were quite respected around the area but aren't that popular.
So, they had their so-called reputation to put up.


Gunwook felt that stinging burn on his face and tears started falling down from him eyes and stained his once happy face.

"What did I fucking do!?" Gunwook yelled.
"Did I ever fucking hurt you!"
"Why are you treating me like a piece of trash!"
"You all are disgusting!"
Gunwook finally snapped, taking his phone from his mother's hand.

And just then, they heard something downstairs.
"Let me in!"
Gunwook heard Ricky and smiled a little.

"I'm going with him" He said before going out of his room and running downstairs where he saw his brother with Ricky. And surprisingly, his brother didn't try to stop either him or Ricky.

"Go, quick, before dad and mom stops you" his brother said and quickly flashed him a warm, loving smile.

Gunwook was shocked but smiled.
"Thank you, hyung" He said as he went past him to hug Ricky who hugged him.

"Are you okay? What happened? Why is your face red?" Ricky's words flooded out making Gunwook sad all over again.

"Ricky, that's your name right?" Gunwook's brother said as Ricky nodded.

"Take him with you"
Gunwook watched as his brother broke down into tears.
"Gunwook, my little brother, I know it's hard to belive me but... I've always wanted to help you, and protect you but this stupid brother couldn't do anything.
Just know that, I never hated you, not even once. I know you would be hurt when I scold you and you'd probably think I'm also bullying you but all I've ever wanted to do is to protect you"
His brother knelt down on the floor.

"Go with him and never look back"
Gunwook was frozen.
"Gunwook please!"

And with that, Ricky took Gunwook's hand.

"Don't worry, I will make sure he lives better" Ricky said and ran out of the house with Gunwook while holding hands.

And after they were a few blocks away, Ricky stopped running and turned to Gunwook and hugged him.

"Are you okay?" He asked as Gunwook broke down into tears, replaying all those moments in his head.

Gunwook cried as Ricky tried his best to comfort him.

"It's gonna be fine, I'm here" Ricky said as he caressed Gunwook's hair.


"I'm fine now" Gunwook said after a while and smiled at Ricky.
"Thank you" He said, weak from all the crying.

"I'll take you home, to my house"
Ricky said as Gunwook nodded.

(A/n: I know it's serious but... it's alright, uri jiboreu gaja~)

"Let's go home now, you will have a home that you will be proud to call home"
Ricky said as tears filled up Gunwook's eyes again.

"Why? Are you alright?" Ricky panicked and quickly wiped off Gunwook's tears who smiled.

"I'm just so happy that I found someone like you" Gunwook said and smiled warmly before being engulfed in a warm hug.

"I love you"
"I love you too"

And then Ricky took Gunwook to his house where his parents welcomed them warmly.


And then about two years later, Gunwook's brother also bought a house right next to theirs and then for high school, they dated all throughout and then Ricky proposed to Gunwook after graduation.

They fall in love.
And they get married.

And now you have read their story.

End of story

Hey yallllllll.
Was this sudden cause I think it is.

But, I am planning to make another Riwook so you can look forward to that.


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