My... Mama?

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Plot: Cellbit was so used to Roier taking care of him, they would do everything together when Cellbit was little. Unfortunately, Roier ran out of medication for his DID's (Dissociative identity disorder) and Melissa fronts. Despite Roier not telling any of his alters that Cellbit is little, Melissa has to figure it out herself.

I know little to nothing about DIDs so if I say something incorrect or it offends you lmk!

TW: Melissa swears a lot and hurts feelings too


Little: Cellbit
Nicknames: Celly, Honey, Hun
CG: Roier/ Melissa 
Nicknames: Papa, Mama


Roier's POV

I was coloring with Cellbit when I remembered to take my medication. I checked the time and it was 8:30 A.M. so I went to go take mine and get Cellbit's to him. I open the medicine cabinet and sigh. There are none left, but Cellbit has some for him. I take one out for him and walk to the kitchen to make him a bottle. "What do you want to drink Celly?" I yell out. I waited a few seconds for a response, Cellbit is very indecisive. I open the fridge to grab the milk and walk back to the counter. "Wan Mil!" Cellbit yelled but I already knew. I pour the milk in his favorite sippy cup and brought it to him. "You need to take your medicine," I said. The little sighed but opened his mouth, I put the pill in his mouth and wait for him to swallow it. "Open," I demanded. Cellbit had a tendency to not want to take it, he says its yucky. Cellbit opened his mouth to reveal that he took it. "Good boy!" I praised. I kissed him on the forehead then walked back to the kitchen. 

I don't know how I'm going to get a refill on my medication, it's labor day weekend and the pharmacist isn't open. I know that I won't be able to do anything about it, I just hope that Cellbit gets bigger before it happens. 

Time Skip

I finished making dinner and gave some to Cellbit then went to the bedroom. I felt lighter than usually, like how Cellbit feels before he regresses. It feels like my thoughts aren't mine and I'm about to fall asleep so I just laid down and went to sleep. 

Melissa's POV

I wake up and feel like absolute shit. My back hurts and everything. It definitely isn't morning because Cellbit isn't in bed. Besides, I'm here right now. I laugh and finally get up to look for Cellbit. I wander around to see a bunch of dusty fake plants that Roier is to lazy to water. I then find Cellbit in the living room on the floor, with a pacifier in his mouth? What the hell. "What are you doing?" I ask. Cellbit looks away from the TV and looks at me and yells, "Papa!" I shook my head, "Hell no I'm not your papa." Cellbit's eyes start to water and he crawled over to me. "Papa don be mean," he hiccuped. "I'm a girl dumbass, can't you see that," I scoffed. Cellbit started to sob. What is going on. I picked him up and put him on my hip. His crying started to slow and he was just sniffling. "I drew picture," Cellbit whispered and pointed at the coffee table. I walked over to look at it and I saw a drawing of Cellbit and Roier. I then realized what was going on. Cellbit was an age regresser. How did I miss all the signs. Cartoons, pacifiers, sensitivity, and mashed up sentences. "That looks really pretty, can I ask you something Hun?" I ask. Cellbit nodded then took his pacifier out of his mouth and starts chewing on his tail. I take his tail out his mouth and continued, "Call me Mama for now okay?" Cellbit looks at me and started to play with my hair. "You're my mama now?" he questioned. I nodded, "just for now Honey." I put him down and watched TV with him.

I ended up playing on my phone, well, it's Roier's phone but whatever. I went to see what was going on in the real world. That was until I heard Cellbit start crying. I made Cellbit look at me, "What's wrong?" "I wen potty," Cellbit cried. I looked down, there wasn't anything on the floor. I picked up Cellbit and placed him on his hip. I felt something squish against my side and I could've just died right there and then. I walked to the bedroom and laid him down on the bed. I looked around the entire room to see if there was anything I could clean him up with. I found a pull up and some wipes in the closet. These are the times that I wish I wasn't fronting. I changed Cellbit and took him back to the living room. 

"Hungry!" Cellbit yelled. I shook my head and walked to the kitchen. This kid is making me get up to much. I look at the stove to see dirty pots still on the table. "Cellbit didn't you just eat!" I asked, the little came crawling in. "No," he smiled. I ruffled his hair and started to pet his ears. "Do you want desert?" I asked the little.  He clapped his hands in response. I go into the fridge and get a slice of cake for me and Cellbit. When I say a slice I mean that I cut the cake in half and gave myself a half and Cellbit the other half. I knew that Roier would be so mad. So I did it anyways. "For?" Cellbit whined. "You want a fork?" I asked, the little nodded. "But eating with your hand is so much more fun!" I smile. "More funner?" Cellbit asked. I push the plate in front of the boy and wait for him to eat it. If all goes right, he'll get all messy and Roier will front and have to clean it up. 

Cellbit was just shoving cake into his mouth. It was falling out of mouth and it he was covered in it. "Was it good Honey?" I asked. Cellbit held his stomach and nodded.  All of a sudden, I started to feel lighter like I was about to fall asleep. I decided to put my face in the face I didn't eat and let the next person be mad when they fronted.

Roier's POV 

I remembered talking to the other alters until I just blinked and woke up. Apparently Melissa was fronting? I lift my head up and feel frosting running down my face, my head was laying in cake. "Mama are yoo otay?" I hear Cellbit ask. I look over to see him in the chair covered in cake. "Yoo didn't seep for a wong time," Cellbit muttered. Despite me being very mad at Melissa, I couldn't punish Cellbit because it wasn't his fault. "You can call me Dada now, I was just a little tired," I answered. The little frowned and crawled in my lap, I finally saw how messy he really was. "Oh Honey, you're dirty," I explained. He looked at his hands and saw the cake falling down his face, "Uh oh!" "Uh oh is right, you need a bath," I picked him up and carried him to the bathroom. He started kicking his feet, "I don wanna!" Cellbit hated baths, I always assumed it was because he was a cat. "I'm gonna take one with you, I'm all messy too," I confessed putting Cellbit on the toilet seat and turning on the water. "I'll be back in a second." Cellbit waved to me as I walked out the room. 

I came back with some comfortable clothes for the both of us and some warm towels. I turned off the water took the messy clothes off the little and lowered him into the tub. "Is the water okay?" I asked. Instead of a response, Cellbit crossed his arms and pouted. I took off my caked-covered clothes and hoped in with him. "No baf!" he huffed. "Yes bath, they are good for you," I said. He huffed again and laid back into my chest, "If you're a good boy I'll warm up a bottle of milk for you before you sleep," I negotiated. He thought for a while then relaxed. "That's a good boy," I smiled. Cellbit's ears perked up and he smiled as well. "Jus hury up," Cellbit purred. 


I think the ending is kinda sweet lol. I have no idea how DIDs work, if you want to educate me just tell me. I think I'm gonna write a FF about Cellbit's hatred for baths. Have a good day, afternoon, evening, night!

Requests are open!

Word Count: 1452

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