Duck Bat

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Plot: A while back, Wilbur bought Quackity a bat onesie as a joke. While Quackity was regressed, he put it on to show Wilbur. He went to his house to take care of him. He didn't forget to take pictures to show people how cute his little bat was. 


Little: Quackity
Nicknames: Little Q, Duckling
CG: Wilbur
Nicknames: Will, Wilby


Quackity's POV

I sat in my bed tossing and turning. I was trying to regress but I needed help. I was stuck in between being little and big. So I decided to call Wilbur to help me.

~Calling Wilbuh~

Big Q? What's up?

Are you busy right now? 

Now really, I'm just learning a new song, why?

I paused, not really wanting to tell Wilbur what I wanted.

Big Q? You there?

Yeah, I am

Do you need me to be there right now?


Alright, get changed I'll be there as soon as possible

Wilbur hung up the phone. I stumbled off my bed and went to get changed into a onesie. I noticed that there was a black onesie in the back of my closet.  I remembered that Wilbur got me a bat onesie, and he's never seen me in it, and it's almost Halloween. I pull it out and put it on. Although it was a size to big, it was pretty comfortable. I put the hood up and started to feel really small. I ran to my bed and started giggling. I was still stuck in between head spaces but I knew I'd make up my mind soon. 

I heard the front door open "Big Q! I'm here!" I heard Wilbur yell. "In room!" I yelled back. 

3rd Person POV

Wilbur walked slightly quickly to Quackity's bedroom. When he opened the door, his heart melted. Quackity was wearing the bat onesies he bought him. "Duckling," Wilbur said smiling softly. That caught Quackity's attention, he started kicking his feet and giggling. "You're adorable!" Wilbur smiled. Wilbur sat his guitar and sat on Quackity's bed. Quackity crawled in his lap, he wanted cuddles. 

"Why don't you take a little nap Duckling, hm?" Wilbur whispered. Wilbur put Quackity to bed and tucked him in. When Wilbur was about to leave, Quackity started whining. "Do you want me to stay with you?" Wilbur asked. Quackity nodded putting his thumb in his mouth. "Don't do that Duckling, that's yucky," Wilbur took his thumb out of his mouth and grabbed Quackity's duck-themed pacifier off his nightstand. The little opened his mouth wanting his paci. Wilbur put it in his mouth and crawled in bed with him. He went to spoon the smaller man but the little turned around so he could bury his head in Wilbur's chest. Quackity yawned and snuggled as close to Wilbur as possible.

~Time Skip~

Wilbur woke up by intense shaking. He opened his eyes to Quackity shaking his shoulders.  "I'm up," Wilbur yawned and sat up, "What do you need?" Quackity took his pacifier out of his mouth, "Hungy!"  Wilbur got out of bed and fixed his hair the best that he could. "Do you need help getting there," Wilbur asked. Quackity nodded his head and made grabby hands to him. Wilbur picked him up and took him to the kitchen. 

"What do you want to eat?" Wilbur asked taking a handful of candy corn out of the candy jar and eating it. "Chip can cake!" Quackity smiled. "You want chocolate chip pancakes?" Wilbur confirmed. Quackity started to giggle. Wilbur took out the stuff to make the pancakes and started to make it. Wilbur gave Quackity a spoon so he could eat the leftover batter.

"Sippy cup or bottle?" Wilbur asked getting some apple cider out the refrigerator. "Bobble," Quackity answered. Wilbur poured the apple cider into a bottle.He then put the plate of pancakes in front of the little and started to feed it to him. Occasionally, he'd take a few bites for himself. 

When Quackity finished his food, Wilbur sat the dishes in the sink and went back to Quackity to carry him to the couch. He sat the little on his lap and put the bottle in his mouth. Wilbur would rub his cheek to make sure Quackity would slow down so he didn't choke on it. 

The little finished the bottle and put his pacifier back in his mouth. "It's warm right now, do you want to go outside?" Wilbur asked. All he wanted was to smoke a blunt (that was a joke lol). Quackity nodded and clung to Wilbur who took him outside. 

Quackity loved the fall, the leaves were pretty and he liked the colors. So he went to play with them. He threw the leaves in the air and watched them fall. When he looked back to ask to play with Wilbur, he was gone. Where did he go? Quackity started to cry, he didn't want to be left alone. 

Turns out that Wilbur ran inside to grab with guitar. He didn't tell the little but he grabbed it as fast as he could and went back outside. When he went back outside, he saw Quackity crying so he ran up to him, "What's wrong?" Quackity hugged him but continued to cry. Wilbur swung this guitar on his back and carried him to the backyard. "I'm sorry I left you, I went to grab my guitar so I could play," Wilbur confessed. Quackity stopped crying and crawled off his lap. "You can go play I'll be here," Wilbur said putting his hand on the little's cheeks and kissed his nose. The little giggled and crawled off. 

He tried to play with the leaves but kept getting distracted by Wilbur's playing. He really liked the sound of it. So he crawled back to him. Wilbur didn't see the little so he continued to play. That was until he heard a sniffle that slightly startled him. "Big Q you scared me," Wilbur sighed. Quackity giggled and gently put a hand on the instrument.  "Did you like it?" Wilbur asked playing with the little's hair. Quackity nodded. Wilbur put down the guitar, probably out of frustration or boredom.  Quackity left again to go play in the leaves. 

When Quackity threw the leaves up, he'd smile and stimulate. Wilbur thought it was cute so he decided to take a picture when he did so he could show Quackity when he was bigger. Wilbur then realized that Quackity wasn't throwing the leaves as high so he went over to him to throw the leaves up for him. Quackity was very happy when he did it. He would laugh every time Wilbur would throw them. He tried to catch them mid air but it was slightly hard for him. 

Wilbur's arms started to get tired so he unexpectedly tackled the little and started to tickle him. When the two were done playing around, Wilbur laid on the ground and waited for little Quackity to lay down on top of him. They watched the leaves fall on top of their bodies. "Hey Duckling?" Wilbur whispered. Quackity looked up at him. "You're very pretty," Wilbur smiled. Quackity couldn't help but smile and bury his head into his shoulder.  


This was requested by moonlight_star1233! My allergies are so bad right now. Have a good day, afternoon, evening, night!

Requests are open! (Must be Halloween or fall themed!)

Word Count: 1210

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