Track 5: Test chamber

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Finally I reached lab 44.

Zanzo: Alright, design and prototype constructed to spec. YAWN.

I never understood what that meant and I didn't care.

PGR-0101: Looks like a volounteer has entered the lab.

Yeah! Your doom!

Zanzo: Ugh, about time. Test volounteer, ahem, please enter the test chamber. With haste!

Chai: Wow! Have you heard Peppermint? He wants me to destroy his work quickly.

Peppermint: Then don't keep him waiting.

I got going and as I went, I could hear the moans of all the robots that were working, damn they really don't like Zanzo but soon that wouldn't be a problem anymore. After more walking I finally got to the chamber and lasers went off scanning me and then setting off the alarm.

PGR-0101: Test subject... unidentified.

Zanzo: Why is the image scrambled?

PGR-0101: Something's overriding our cameras to 480p. It's unviewable.

Chai: Maybe because I'm too handsome. That's why the cameras are 480p, to prevent them from blowing up because of my beauty.

Zanzo: Ah! Just get this over! Activate the security lasers!

And from a small door to the upper left of the door in front of me the laser came out.

And from a small door to the upper left of the door in front of me the laser came out

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Chai: Well... It had to happen.

Peppermint: Just call me in. I can help you with that laser.

Chai: No need, I can handle it myself.

The laser signaled it was about to attack twice. The moment the two circles appeared and then overlapped I blocked both attacks it exploded.

PGR-0101: Uhh. It exploded. That's... Not the design.

Zanzo: I added it in. Failure is so embarassing it self-destructs. Heehee! Try again.

Peppermint: You ok?

Chai: Yes, i can hadle this one too.

This too, like the first one, fired twice only that the second shot was faster but managed to block them and then the laser was destroyed.

PGR-0101: My accuracy code was... flawless!

Zanzo: Apparently not! Hey, subject, well done. Your gift basket is in the next room!

Then the door in front of me open.

Peppermint: Sounds like a trap.

Chai: Surely, though it's the only way we have to go forward.

I passed the door to continue but when I scanned the room my gaze stopped on my right because of two robots.

I passed the door to continue but when I scanned the room my gaze stopped on my right because of two robots

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