001, Double Decker

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"Here!" Vicki pointed to an abandoned gas station. It has just been me and Vicki on the road, we were doing  fine but we did have trouble finding shelter, And this store looked stable enough for a few nights.

Vicki was infront of me, her knife in her left hand. Creating a fist with the other. She went up to the entrance of the store and looked inside through the glass.

"No infected...but be prepared just in case" she said as she slowly opened the door. We looked around for any dead people, and there was none.

We started to look around inside the store for anything that's edible. After a while, I put my bag down and pulled out a small, thin baby blanket to sit on instead of the dirty floor.

Meanwhile, Vicki was securing the windows and doors of the store. She walked towards me and sat down. "Find anything good?" She asks. I hand over the fabric bag that had all the stuff I gathered in it.

She rummaged through the bag. there wasn't really much in it, but it was enough for today. She gasped lightly as she pulled out a chocolate bar.

"No way!" She says, smiling widely. It was two Double deckers. "Want one?" She asks. "Hell yeah. I found these motherfuckers" I snatched a double decker from her hands. I ripped the wrapper and took a big bite.

We could never really have things like this, 'cuz y'know, the apocalypse. Most of the time was because we couldn't find any, other times would be because they would be expired, and that's way too risky.

It was silent for a while 'til Vicki started singing "And if a double-decker bus," she so peacefully and quietly said like she was singing a lullaby for a newborn baby. "Oh god." I roll my eyes. "Crashes into us," she ignored my look of annoyance. "You can stop now." I chuckled, looking back at her.

"To die by your side, is such a heavenly way to die." she sang again. "Are you done now?" I ask. "No. And if a ten-ton truck...kills the both of us," she put her arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer, laying my head on her shoulder. "To die by your side well, the pleasure, the privilege is mine..." she finished.

She was like my big sister, and I couldn't care less if we weren't related.

Morning came and I woke up before Vicki. I checked the watch on my hand...'8:24 am— july 13th 2014.' I like this watch a lot, because not only does it tell time, it also tells what day it is. I had it before the apocalypse, I'm surprised it's still working.

I got up, took a water bottle and my knife and went outside to wash my face. When I came back I took a piece of gum and started chewing it, it was the closest thing I had to toothpaste and a brush.

 When I came back I took a piece of gum and started chewing it, it was the closest thing I had to toothpaste and a brush

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Listen I know this chapter is short but it's my first time writing a fanfic, so I'm terribly sorry about that

When school starts (sep 13th) my mom is gonna take my phone away and I'm not sure if she's gonna give it back on weekends. But if she does then I'm only gonna be updating 1-2 times a week

Tiktok: l1ghter.wp

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