Story Information

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Okay so, as you all saw by chapter 15, the beginning of the temple bombing arc has started. Now, if you caught it, you probably realized " hey, the temple bombing arc happened in the 2nd/3rd year of the clone wars, but Aden is only 16, so how is he 16 if their in the 3rd year of the clone wars? " Well, the Clone Wars in my book are lasting a bit longer than the 3-4 year timespan that took place in the show/Revenge of the Sith. So instead of Aden being 17/18 and Ahsoka being 16/17, Aden is 16 still and Ahsoka is 15. I just wanted to clarify that in case anybody may be wondering that. I hope you all continue to enjoy my book, and let me know what you think of it!

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