Chapter 1

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The words tumble out of my mouth in one fast, fluent motion, the rhythmic pounding in my head to blame.

"Fuck me"

The words turn harsh as I bring my hands up to my head in an attempt to soothe the drummers inside pounding hard against their drums, causing my head to swim and beat with my heart.
Slowly I peel my eyes open but immediately screw them shut again due to the blinding light burning my retinas and causing me to recoil in shock. It takes me a second to come around further and wake back up into this realm, opening my eyes slowly and one by one, letting them get used to the extremely bright light that is engulfing me. Once my eyes get used to the outside world once more I look around and begin to take in my surroundings. Memories suddenly fly back to me, hitting me like a tidal wave when it dawns on me that I'm not at home and I that I have never seen the bedroom before in my life. My hand moves to down from my head to my neck and I grimace, the tender skin confirming to me that it wasn't a fever dream what has happened to me. I've been taken by the Italian Mafia. With this realization dawning on me I feel myself beginning to having a panic attack, the forgotten feeling bubbling up from deep inside as I haven't had one since I was a teenager. Remembering the techniques I manage to breathe deeply for a minute or two, calming down slowly with my hands on my chest. I block everything out momentarily, focusing solely on the feeling of my chest. Rising, falling, rising, falling. The rhythmic motion puts my body in tune and pulls me from the panic, allowing me to inspect the bedroom to try and keep my mind calm.

As I look around I try to take in as much information as possible, looking for any details that may give clues of my whereabouts and give me ideas on how to escape. The room itself is pretty plain with bright white walls and a plush beige carpet, dark oak matching furniture in the uniform room. No pictures or images on the wall give any indication tho whose room I'm in, it almost looking like a hotel room. Or a very posh prison. As my eyes continue round I see that there's a balcony through some doors. Totaling up everything for memory I see only a bed, 2 bedside tables, a tall lamp in the corner next to a large armchair, a bare dressing table with a mirror facing a balcony, with 3 matching doors in the room.
The clean cut of the room hurts my eyes due to the brightness, but as I've got a basic bearing of my surrounds, I can finally think straight. My police mind immediately races and my first thought is to try and escape through the balcony. Stepping out of the humongous bed that I've been placed on, I see that I'm barefoot but still in the same clothes that I remember wearing when I was taken however long ago. Wasting no time, I race over to the balcony doors and try to yank them open with all my might. The handles don't budge, the sophisticated fresh design clearly made to keep the captors inside. My attention turns from the handles to the outside as I look up, and my mouth drops in shock.

Where the actual fuck am I?

I tell myself to keep calm as my eyes crane around the outside world, as just beyond the doors and 2 floors below are gardens. As in, gardeners planting roses and cherubs on top of fountains type of gardens. It looks almost royal, but I stop staring with an open mouth and regain my senses, pushing hard on the door once more and feeling the sweet taste of freedom near me. After several tries pf kicking, pushing and the lamp being smashed against the glass, I finally admit defeat with the balcony. This exit is clearly not the one. However, one of the doors must lead to another room, hopefully empty with more windows. I run over to the nearest plain brown door and grab on the door handle hard once again, expecting this one to be locked also, but the handle moves. It's a push door, and it suddenly occurs that whoever took me could be on the other side of this door. I've been drugged, kidnapped and god knows what else, so I don't fancy my chances unprepared. Taking a deep breathe I steady my feet for possible battle and make a silent count to 3, using all of my force to push the door and give the element of surprise. The door opens easily making my force stupid as I stumble on all fours onto hard marble flooring.

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