Chapter 3

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As soon as I run through the door there's a typical looking bodyguard stood waiting who grabs me by the wrist and walks me back to the same room that I woke up in. He throws me into the room without a word and slams the door, locking it behind him, making me think that the door wasn't open at all. The mixed emotions of the recent events have started to catch up with me, my adrenaline dropping as thoughts begin to swim around and feelings of utter despair creep up. I try to quell them as I know that my chances of escaping here will be even lower if I loose hope. Upon inspection of the room I see that everything has been cleaned up, with the bodyguard no longer on the floor and all evidence of my scrap with the 2 men now gone. The bed has been made too, and the heels that I broke have been replaced with the exact same pair, shocking me for a moment. A huge plasma TV has also been built into the wall, the remote lying on the bed. I check for any cameras as people have been in the room and I could very easily be watched by my kidnapper, but when I find no evidence of any devices I let the building emotions take over and feel my bottom lip begin to tremble. Despite telling myself to get a grip my lip begins to wobble with tears welling and I give in to the tears, falling to the bed and sobbing into the pillow as my only form of comfort, clutching it tightly.

I don't know how long I cry for until I'm just making noise, with no tears left to shed and the feeling of complete despair now a familiar feeling inside. As I begin to stop crying I can't help but smile at my damsel in distress performance, falling onto a bed and sobbing like Belle from Beauty and The Beast. I'm nobody's damsel in distress, I'm a police detective who's witnessed a mafia boss who has been linked to a string of sex trafficking murders now murder 2 people in front of my very eyes. I can nail this son of a bitch. I'm in Xavier Falicci's castle, his domain, which means that in dark corners there will be whispers, behind locked doors there will be secrets that can help me bring him down. So for the murdered women that I've had to stare at every day for the past 7 months, for the 14 year old child with her head blown out, the guard following orders, I need to be strong. In here it is clear that the weak and the disobedient die.And I can't escape if I die. I can't bring this monster to his knees if he dies.

Xavier Falicci, I'm fucking coming for you.

I build up a front immediately as I make the silent promise in my mind, breaking myself free from any emotion, desensitizing myself to anything which may go on and I may bear witness too. I need to do this, I'm a police officer so I know that I can. I've got his name, so I can start gaining intel if I gain people's trust. But I need to look as though I've resigned to my fate, which means treating this prison as my home. I decide to get a shower as its the most reasonable thing to do to look like I'm trying to settle in so stand from the bed and walk over to the bathroom. I check and find no cameras in there either, instead finding the room fully stocked from shower gels to hair products as well as bath salts with a black robe hung on the side with towels.

It takes me a second to work out the huge walk in shower and get it to the right temperature, but as soon as I do I step back once more and look through the floor to ceiling windows. As I move towards the glass, I recognize the skyline in the far distance as the London skyline, so I'm clearly not too far from home. I feel slight relief as I'm still in my territory, and if I have to run I know exactly where I will be running to. After staring at the skyline for a few more moments and silently reveling in the view I begin to strip, unzipping my dress and taking off my underwear. My nakedness with all of the windows make me feel extremely exposed but I suck it up as I'm more than likely being watched by some hidden camera anyway, so walk over to the shower. As soon as I step in I can't help but sigh as the water cascades around me, soothing my aching muscles. I wince at my neck once more as it's so tender, but within a few minutes of standing under the water in silence I can feel my immediate tension lessen and the fog clear from my mind. I wash myself with the very expensive products and stay in the shower for a few minutes more when my cleaning is done, staring out of the windows in deep thought of my escape.

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