Chapter 4

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I'm in shock at how big the house is as we walk down several corridors and turn down several bends in a different way from where I was dragged earlier on. I'm going to need to learn my way around here to plan an escape route. My palms become clammy when I realise that in fact, I'm going to be in a room full of criminals. There are men dotted about everywhere we turn, as well as some girls in underwear and heels. It then occurs to me that if I do the wrong thing, I'll end up like them.


And it dawns on me that I may be these girls only hope at getting out of here and saving them.

Chrissy babbles at me while we walk but I can't listen, my own heartbeat too preoccupying while I try to give myself a silent pep talk on how to not die in the next few hours. We come to a stop where 4 men stood around outside some double doors, who all sneer at me and ignore Chrissy.

One of them whispers to the other, not loud enough so I can hear, but the other one spits at my feet suddenly.

"Pig. Attacking our men" he grunts, but I don't say anything, keeping my head held high and being desensitised from anything as I picture the victims from the Thames. They flash through my mind like a slideshow as the doors open for us, and I follow Chrissy through on autopilot with one foot in front of the other.

I hear talking in Italian, and when my heels click against the new type of floor, the talking ceases.
Looking around, I stare at the faces of each and every criminal bastard in the room.

And they're all looking back at me.

Each watches my each every movement, and I see Chrissy wave at a small group of girls dressed in even shorter dresses than Chrissy. It shocks me massively as this is so clearly normal for everyone here, but I remain composed.

I come face to face with Xavier once more who openly stares at me, looking at my body before grinning at me.

"This is Brooklyn"

I don't say a word as he introduces me, instead standing with Chrissy.

"Take a seat"

Xavier's voice is extremely cold towards me, even colder than before.

Everyone sits down, and I'm sat next to Chrissy and a man who looks similar to Xavier- he must be family. They speak in English and I hear the woman next to him say his name, so I put 2 and 2 together. His name is Roberto Falicci and the woman's name is Maria, they are both wearing wedding rings so she must be his wife. So Xavier has a brother. As I silently scan the room I recognise someone, and my heart stops. Luca Enziano is under police protection, and one of the sources for the team that gave the inteligence that the Italian Mafia was in England. Was that a trap? Luca doesn't know who I am but clearly knows of me from murmurs in the room as he is staring straight at me, face impassive and attempting to intimidate me. I look away and make a mental note at the bits of conversation I'm hearing in English while looking down into my wine, swirling it to look disinterested and to avoid anyone's stare.

"Now, our entertainment. Brooklyn"

I look up at Xavier as I hear my name and see that everyone is smirking at me.

"Entertainment?" I say, smiling a little. I know that I should be meek and obey, but I can't help my demeanor as I'm in the lion's den so need to put up a little bit of a fight. Nobody seems to be fazed and is still smirking.

"Yes. You are our entertainment for the night. Now, humour me. Why did you join such a corrupted force?" he asks, and I laugh, throwing most off guard.

"What boring entertainment" I pick up the wine and take a sip, feeling brazen as I continue "because the police force on a whole may be, but my side of it, is not" And as I look at him We know a lot more than you think, Mr Fallicci" my voice is dripping with sarcasm, and his face falters.

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