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a jess mariano fanfiction


☆.。.:* having a baby at sixteen with your best friend isn't easy. being disowned by your parents for having that baby, even harder. but if jess and jane could work through that, friendship intact, jane was sure as hell going to make the best of moving to a small town in connecticut to start afresh... no matter how reluctant jess might have been.

their friendship wasn't as complicated as people assumed. granted, it was easier for that to be the case when they lived in new york city, and not a small town where everyone knows everyone's business.

jane bolan never imagined that she might see stars hollow as home, and jess mariano found that idea even more wholly inconceivable.

but anything can happen.

even a development between two people adamant that they could never be anything beyond friends slash co-parents.



JANE BOLANtaissa farmiga

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taissa farmiga

milo ventimiglia

billy burke



AUTHOR'S NOTE !welcome to call it what you want!

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welcome to call it what you want!

yes i am aware billy burke was in
gilmore girls. but i'm erasing that
ok he is a new character eddie
bolan here thank you very much
i wanted to give luke a bestie!

i know i'm usually very good at
starting fics and never finishing
them. however, i've planned this
out far in advance for once and
been writing away so intend to
stick to it this time.

special shoutouts to an anon
requester on my tumblr blog
who reminded me i had this,
to nocturnalamp for always
being the loveliest & most
supportive angel, to idkmags
for writing my favourite fic
in all my 12 years of reading
fics (now i feel old) and for
reinspiring me to write again,
and finally to anyone reading this
or who has stuck with my sporadic
updates and new books. ily x

out of practice with making books
look pretty so bear with me while
i probably end up editing it loads.

finally: i'm so fuckin excited for this
u have no idea. i love jess i love my
jane and i can't wait & hope u love it
like i do !!! it will inevitably deviate
from a lot of GG plot but enjoy <3


teen pregnancy mentions obviously,
lots of swearing as usual with me,
inevitable family drama,
i will add as & when things occur <3


𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓, jess marianoWhere stories live. Discover now