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☆.。.:* "EDDIE'S GONNA SELL THE BAR and move with me." 

"Hello to you too," the sarcasm in Jess' tone told Jane that maybe she should've waited until a more acceptable hour to call him with the news than 6:30am, "Just like that? He said yes?"

Jane could tell he was pleased, though still half asleep, "Uh huh. He won't admit it but it's so totally because he'll miss you too much if he doesn't."

Jess scoffed at that.

"In all seriousness, apparently him and Andy have been thinking about it for ages, so are taking this as their sign to do it," Jane explained, "Obviously it won't be immediate, but apparently they've already got a buyer in mind who they'd spoken to before 'cause they were interested. It's kinda freaky how well this is working out already."

Jess was quiet for a moment, and Jane couldn't tell if he was pondering her words or had fallen back asleep.

He finally spoke, "You're sure you're happy to just, like, move here?"

"I mean, I don't really have too much of a choice," Jane didn't want to sugarcoat it, and knew Jess would see through her if she lied anyway, "But I think the change could do me good. I'm kinda sick of the city, and it'd be nice for Ems to grow up somewhere less... Well, less New York."

Jess seemed satisfied with this answer, and just hummed in reply.

"Sorry, I'll let you get back to sleep," Jane yawned, "Emma's been super restless all night, and then I just couldn't get back to sleep. It's like she knows you're gone or something."

Jess sighed, "No, it's fine, I'm supposed to be going to this stupid new fuckin' school anyway."

"What's Stars Hollow like?"

Again Jess was momentarily quiet, "If I tell you the truth you won't come here."

"I'm not moving for the town, am I?" Jane laughed, "What's so bad about it?"

Jane laughed again as Jess groaned down the receiver, "Everyone is so nosy and in your face. Plus there's, like, nothing here. It's... I hate it already."

"And Luke?"

"Hardly spoken to him. Avoided him as much as possible to avoid whatever lecture about changing my life he's gonna give me," Jess told her.

Jane knew that Jess was probably making things more difficult than they needed to be by refusing to engage, but she couldn't really blame him.

"Give him a chance, maybe," she shrugged, "He might surprise you. I mean, he did agree to look after you."

"Yeah, sure, whatever. I've got a whole child and he thinks I need looking after," Jess was having none of it, but he'd expected this from Jane, "Anyway how's Ems? You said she's not slept, she's not ill is she?"

Jane sighed, "No, she doesn't seem to be. She's just restless, the next few days are going to be awful when she starts wondering where you are."

"I'll try and get a bus as soon as I get out of school on Friday, alright," Jess assured her, and Jane could immediately predict his next words, "No, Jess, you're not going to cut class. If we're going to make a go of life in Stars Hollow you can't give up on school this quick. I didn't mean to guilt trip you. You don't need to rush back or feel bad or anything."

Jess huffed, "But Emma—,"

"Jess," Jane was stern, and she heard him sigh again down the phone, "It's only a matter of hours, just come after class and I'll cook us dinner okay?"

𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓, jess marianoWhere stories live. Discover now