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☆.。.:* "WHAT'VE A GIRL AND HER BABY GOTTA DO to get a cup of tea in this town?"

Jess' head snapped around from where he was fiddling with the coffee machine as soon as he heard Jane's voice.

She propped her elbow up on the counter, gently rocking Emma's pram with her other hand as she raised her eyebrow at her best friend.

"I sure as hell hope you're not giving my infant daughter caffeine, Bolan," Jess smirked, placing a mug down and leaning over to source a green tea bag as he called out for Caesar to boil some water, "I didn't think you got in 'til this afternoon?"

Jane shrugged, "Not yet. But she's going to be a tea-fiend just like her mama. And we left early because Eddie wanted to get lunch somewhere so he didn't have to do a full grocery shop. I'm meeting him at the inn, just wanted to swing by first."

"Tell him to come here for lunch," Jess suggested, slinging a towel over his shoulder and leaning over the counter to reach his hand out to Emma, whose tiny fingers grabbed at him immediately, "It's alright in here."

Jane knew Jess well enough to know that 'alright' was high praise indeed from him.

"Hi— if I may," a voice interrupted, and Jane caught a glimpse of Jess rolling his eyes before she turned to find a woman and a teenage girl staring at her inquisitively, "I've just seen Jess Mariano smile, make a joke, and then compliment Luke's. You must be Jane?"

Jane nodded, tight lipped.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Lorelai Gilmore... I'm a friend of Luke's. This is my daughter Rory," Jane eyed Rory carefully, noticing how her eyes flickered between herself and Jess, "We've heard a lot about you. Well, that's a lie. We've heard your name and have been dying to meet you. Oh and the baby! She's so sweet."

Jane was already growing tired of this interaction, but she smiled at the mother and daughter before her and let out a small chuckle, "Guess I get the co-parent-slash-best-friend privilege of Jess' false niceties. Nice to meet you both, this is Emma."

The teenager didn't like to be judgemental — particularly as a 17 year old with a baby who'd faced enough judgement of her own —  but something in Rory's air told her they weren't going to be best friends any time soon.

Lorelai seemed distracted now, totally taken with Emma, "She's adorable. She looks just like you. No signature Jess Mariano scowl."

Jess had been in Stars Hollow for three weeks, why on Earth was she acting like she'd known him for years?

Well — he'd clearly made an impression.

"Actually, when she smiles she looks a lot like him," Jane bit, chuckling to cover up the unintended rudeness her irritation had ignited, "It's a little annoying. Thanks though. Sorry, I'm a little overwhelmed by the move and all, not trying to be combative."

Lorelai shook her head, "Hey, I was your age when I had Rory. You don't have to apologise for being guarded talking about stuff."

Jane would've guessed that Lorelai was a young mother, and it somewhat pleased her to know that she had someone who understood her position — though she hoped Lorelai wasn't going to try and interfere too much.

"Oh, wow," her smile was small, but didn't go unappreciated by Lorelai who nodded and then looked over at Jess.

"Can we get some more coffee over there?"

"Whatever. I'll be over in a second."

"Ah, there's the Jess we know. Customer service connoisseur," Lorelai smiled, "Anyway, I work at the Independence Inn so if you need anything while you're settling in..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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