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☆.。.:* "STARS HOLLOW? WHERE THE FUCK is Stars Hollow?"

When Jane had awoken to Emma's incessant crying at 4 o'clock that morning, she'd anticipated it to be the worst part of her day. She'd fed her, nursed her back to sleep, and gotten back into bed with the hope that she might sleep at least a few more hours until the baby's father rocked up to see her.

Of course, her father — otherwise known as Jane's shithead lifelong best friend — came along just three hours later to inform her that his mother had decidedly had enough of him and was sending him to live with his uncle in the middle of nowhere.

"I know, I know— and I promise it's not too far, but we had this, like, huge thing and she wants me to live with my uncle Luke to... straighten me out or whatever," he shrugged, dark eyes looking down at his feet to avoid her sharp gaze.

Jane shook her head, "Has she forgotten about the whole, oh I don't know, child we have? Or is sending you to fuck ass nowhere an attempt to make my life a misery too?"

"My words exactly," Jess shrugged, "She just said if we're that interested in co-parenting then you should come with me. Some bullshit about a fresh start."

Jess could be unreliable. Jess could be lazy. He could be stubborn, short-tempered and difficult, to use his mother's favourite term for him.

But he'd surprised everyone and been an incredibly present father to Emma in her 11 months so far. The support he'd given Jane when her parents kicked her out for the pregnancy had been somewhat unexpected but never unappreciated.

Sure, when she first told him she was pregnant he just silently left and disappeared for 24 hours — but when he returned he'd apologised profusely and promised that he'd be there for her whatever the situation.

Jess had never pushed Jane to get rid of the baby and never once made her feel bad for keeping her.

A small part of Jane wondered if he'd have been so accepting about the pregnancy if she hadn't had her whole life turned around and been kicked out for it, but she tried not to think too much on that.

For all of his faults, Jess was a good person. A good person who cared about her. A good person who was doing the best he could for Emma, too.

Obviously, having just turned sixteen when Emma was conceived, the pregnancy was a hell of a surprise to the pair — who'd thought they'd taken the necessary precautions to avoid such an outcome — particularly given that they had only slept together once in their cliche pact to lose their virginity to the person they trusted most for the sake of impressing their respective crushes in future.

They'd moved on from it quickly, trying to ignore the subtle change that having sex had made to their friendship, until an immense bout of morning sickness and those two blue lines had changed their lives forever.

Not to mention that their pact hadn't had it's intended benefit even before the pregnancy. Both of their crushes were, as usual, a flash in the pan, and then a couple of teenagers expecting a baby were hardly prime candidates for a flourishing love life.

Their friendship hadn't ever been received well by the Bolan family — not as a big-shot influential family with a global enterprise that was supposed to be a family affair.

But when Jane had fallen pregnant, she had been quite literally disowned by the family.

The Bolans gave her just enough money to get by for a few months and then packed her off to live with her father's cousin, Eddie, who lived on the other side of New York and had suffered the same fate of practically being exiled from the family when he decided to forge his own path.

𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓, jess marianoWhere stories live. Discover now