12 Willow

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"Willow, I don't think you need to do all this. I am paying them," Austin stays loading the large thank you baskets she made into the back of her van. "I know that, but it's always nice to say thank you and have you seen the state of your house? We both saw that woman pissing in your pot plant," Willow giggles and places her overnight bag in the back too then hops into the driver's seat of her van, closing the door behind her. Austin opens her door and pulls her out then carries her giggling body to the passenger side and pushes her in.

"You ever going to let me drive again?"

"When you get your license."

Willow lets out a laugh then cuddles Zeus as Austin closes her door and walks around to the driver's side. She meant to get her license years ago but she has been busy living her life, it just slipped her mind. Austin starts her van and heads towards his house. She doesn't want to go back there. All those people are gone and that's good, but even when Austin was not there and it was just Scarlet the house still had a stark uninviting feel to it. The uncomfortable-looking furniture and dark decorum don't help but Willow thinks it's more than that. There is no love in that house - it's not a home, just a building. Empty and hollow. No house should be like that. It was built as a family home and even if just one person lived there it should still capture that. But it does not.

She may be a little biased, it reminds her of LA. Everyone down there is detached from reality, just like Austin's house - it's detached. Broken. Maybe it was just the way she was raised. She came from a happy home. Her parents are the best. She had the best childhood, full of love and laughter. People talk about healing their inner child...well, Nathen and her never had to heal any inner child. She has no bad memories from her childhood, all good. Her parents made sure of that. Maybe Austin had a different childhood. Maybe this is why he is detached from his parents and his house does not feel like a home.

She wants to ask him, but it's none of her business. She will keep quiet and not ask him. It's not her place and now is her chance to be quiet. To remain quiet like one of those sexy mysterious women.

"Why don't you speak to your parents? Did you not have a happy childhood? Were they mean to you? That makes me mad if they were mean to you. I hope they weren't. Is that why you have left your house to just be a house and not a home? Is that why you let all those people stay with you? Did they give you a sense of family?"

Damit, Willow!

Austin stays quiet for a bit, he looks sad as he watches the road in front of him. She was out of line. Her questions had been too personal and she had no right to ask them. She needs to learn to shut up. She runs her fingers through Zeus' fur and turns her head to look out her window. She overstepped.

"My house is not a home because I forgot what my mother taught me, Willow. And as far as those people in my house go - they never gave me a dam thing," Austin says eventually. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to infringe," Willow says turning to look back at him. Austin shakes his head then takes her hand and kisses her fingers.  "You didn't. I am not ready to talk about my parents just yet. But, they are good people and they love me," he says and puts her hand on his thigh as he continues to hold it. "Ok, if you ever want to talk - I will listen," she says.

"Well, there is something I want to talk to you about."

"Ok! What?"

"Your father."

"My father?"

"I heard he was raised by wolves and I am currently at risk of being murdered by him."

Willow lets out a laugh and shakes her head. "My dad? Murder? Never! My dad is the sweetest, kindest man in the whole world. His name is Jerry. He is a wild man, I take after him. He has this laugh that rumbles around the house and shakes the windows like an earthquake. You can never be sad when he is around. It's impossible and he is so clever. He knows everything about everything. If you have a question about farming? He has the answer. A question about fishing? He has the answer. Even a question about make-up? Well, Dad has the answer. People only say he was raised by wolves because he is a bushman. He loves the wild like I do...and he looks a little crazy. But he is a sweetheart."

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