Chapter 2: Hunting Sport

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He answered right at my eye's demand, "Back when I found out that my ex was cheating, I was so devastated that I hunted down the guy that would even encourage her to cheat in the first place and I started getting into it with him, then we started throwing fists until I got on top of him and the next thing I knew he was dead. Not knowing what to do with the body, I stupidly brought it back to her and showed her what she's done to me only for her to lose her shit. Due to my idiocy back in high school, I ended up having to change my name and move away and start a life of my own. My parents sent me funds as long as I needed them, which wasn't very long until I got a job and started paying for everything myself to protect them. The last thing I wanted was for my parents to land themselves in jail for sending funds to a felon and the police knowing I was still out there. After a while, they just declared me a runaway child. I couldn't help myself at the time, Evangeline. I acted on an impulse. This guy stole the girl I was in love with away from me. He was the reason I was never going to be with her again. That's why I unleashed all my anger on him."

Why is he even bothering with telling me this bullshit sob story? It doesn't at all justify what he's done. It doesn't even come close to justifying what he's done. Nothing will ever possibly justify this unhinged man killing the love of my life just because he's selfish and deranged! My eyes almost popped out of their sockets when they landed on Calvin's decaying body subconsciously. The sight of his pale and lifeless body brought nothing more than a heavy feeling of despair that weighed on me entirely. It felt like an anchor weighing on a sinking boat, ensuring that it never sees the surface again no matter how hard it tries to.

There were about a thousand thoughts coursing through my mind but I couldn't even form one of those thoughts into words because I knew that if I opened my mouth I'd explode.

I was finally able to ask him through gritted teeth, "Then why did you do it again? Why did you kill another person? Are you going to kill me as well because I cheated?"

I bit my tongue after asking that question, paralyzed with fear. He wouldn't kill me. Would he? It's hard to tell at this point. I bit my lip anxiously when he took my hand. "Of course, I won't kill you. I killed this man for you. This is my token of love and devotion to you. Don't see this as something bad or unnatural, Evangeline. Predators in the wild will always fight for the top spot and they don't give a shit who gets hurt because of it. He asked for this the second he decided to sneak around with my wife."

Every single little cell in my brain froze in place at once. Did he just use how animals act towards each other in the wild to justify his taking a life? Did he really just fucking say what I think he said? Does he not realize how much more sophisticated humans are than animals in the wild? Our way of life is completely different and he damn well knows you never kill another person. Nothing could ever possibly justify it, especially that bullshit excuse he just gave me. As much as I'd love to make him feel the burning flames of my rage, I cannot spread this fire. This man is a deranged lunatic and the last thing I want to do is upset him.

He took my silence as a reason for himself to continue speaking, "Think of this as a hunting sport. It's just another trophy."

Right then and there was when I had it and finally mustered up the courage to open my mouth, "But this is a human being."

"What difference does it make? He's just about as worthless as every other animal I've killed."

My voice was quivering when I raised it, "Don't say that! People love him, I lo-" I bit my tongue. That is the last thing I need to say to this lunatic.

I winced a little when he sunk his nails into my hand which he grasped some time ago. It felt like I had just gotten five equally painful bee stings to my hand. He leaned in close to my face and asked me, "You were saying?"

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