Chapter 4: Tie Me To Bed, Not Tuck Me To Bed

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My brain was still in the clouds as I slowly began to open my eyes. It took a moment for my brain to gain its full consciousness back, but once it did I remembered exactly where I was and everything that happened last night hit me at once, giving me whiplash. I jumped up in bed as my eyes were consumed by the golden sunlight that peeked through the window. All that I remember from the night before was after I gave up on trying to escape, I took the pill Eugene uses that helps him fall asleep, got changed into my sleeping attire, and that's all I remember. Then I was out. Of course, the pill must have knocked me out. I suppose it makes sense since my husband does struggle with insomnia and he has told me that those pills knock him right out every night.

I became alert and sat up fully when my body finally regained its feeling and I felt ropes around my wrists, tying them together. My eyes bounced at them. My hands were tied tightly together and the rest of the rope was tied to the bedpost. My head shot to the side Eugene normally sleeps on and there was nothing there other than an empty pillow. Like a rabid animal trapped in a cage, I began to shriek as if my life was in danger and tugged on the ropes in the hopes of them coming undone. When that didn't work, I stood up and tugged on the rope in the hopes of it ripping apart. Where did he go? What if he just left me tied here to rot? My voice was just about loud enough to shatter glass when I shrieked in the hopes of someone hearing me, anyone. What if he left last night and I'll never see him again? He left me tied to a bed with absolutely nothing.

I gasped when my eyes shifted to the door and Eugene was in my sight. He asked me, genuinely concerned, "What's all the screaming about? Are you alright?"

My voice was quivering when I said, "I-I-I thought you t-tied me here and left me."

He said blankly, "Now you know how I felt last night. It's different when you're the one being left, isn't it?"

Wanting to cut straight to the point, I raised my voice, "Why the hell am I tied up?"

"I only tied you there for the night to keep you from leaving again if you happened to wake up before me but that pill kept you asleep for quite a while."

Considering it's an explanation I suppose I got what I wanted, but it doesn't at all justify why he tied me up. "So now you're tying me up?"

He got defensive, "You brought that upon yourself when you tried to leave me last night. You know, I was beginning to trust you and now I don't think I'll ever be able to trust you again after that."

I got defensive as well, "Well can you blame me? You fucking murdered someone and forced me to sit and watch the body burn, someone I loved. Of course, I wanted to leave you."

"And do you still want to leave me?" That question left me speechless because I knew he'd hate what I had to say. He eventually filled the silence, "Exactly, that's why I can never trust you."

I raised my voice again, "Then why do you keep me here?"

"Because I still love you! I clearly can't lose feelings as easily as you can because not all of us are as cold blooded as you!"

I raised my voice even louder to overpower his with my question, "Then why do you still love me?" I let the cool feeling rush over again as all the heat inside of me evaporated. I lowered my voice by about eighty decibels when I asked him, "Why do you still want to be with me if I'm cold blooded?"

My eyes followed him as he walked through the room and made his way to me. Once he was in front of me I turned around to face him and sat on the bed. He answered, "Because when I chose to love you, I chose to love all of you and I just wish you could love me as much as I love you."

I told him, speaking the truth, "I never said I didn't love you." I do have that advantage there. I never exactly told him I didn't love him, even in the heat of the moment. I just couldn't bring myself to say it, even after all he's done because deep down inside I didn't want to hurt him anymore.

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