Prolgue/Chapter 1

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"Stop walking so fast!!!!" I yelled. William turned to look at me, and laughed a bit. "What? You can't keep up, Hen?" I rolled my eyes as I got next to him. "No, you're just a fast walker is all. You also got a head start." I crossed my arms. "Mhm, sure-"

Fredbear's Diner was set to open soon. Scott was already there and taking care of and starting his day shift. The air smelled faintly of pizza, which was pretty common. I continued to glare at Will a bit. He was giving me what most people would think is a "friendly smile" but I knew it wasn't.

I've known him since 8th grade. "Come on- We got to go finish work-" He started walking again. I sighed and followed behind. I was becoming a bit impatient with it. We had scheduled a meeting that had to be cancelled, because the person we were meeting with had a family emergency.

I knew that that could be serious, but I also knew how other companies that we wanted to partner with felt about us. They didn't want to create a partnership, they wanted to crush us. I couldn't tell if William knew that or not though. If he did, he didn't seem to show it. He opened the office door and went and sat at his desk. I just stood in the doorway for a bit.

He had started working right away. "Hey, William?" "Yes?" He responded without even looking up. "Aren't you going to prepare for your son's birthday party next week-? He's turning 10, which is pretty big y'know." "I've already prepared for it. I already have the cake set to be made, and present prepared." "I mean, like, decorating and inviting his friends-"

"His friends practically come here everyday. And the place is already decorated for birthdays, so why decorate more?" "Because it's your son.." "Yeah? And I have a son 4 years older and a daughter 5 years younger." "William.." I try to interject. It doesn't work. "I have to figure out how to manage another teacher meeting for Terrance, and then go to another for Liz, because she still doesn't know how to read, or solve simple math problems, and the teachers are worried and-"

I gently placed my hand on his head. "Will.. Calm down-. Is this about Anastasia again.?" There was a moment of silence, but then he sighed. "She's coming home later and later and leaving earlier and earlier.. Where the bloody hell is she going..?!" He said, his British accent now coming out thickly. It happened whenever he was severely upset about something.

It wouldn't come out much in public, but in private it would. I gently take his mask on the bottom half of his face off. "I understand that you're dealing with.. that.. If you need, me and Roselle would be willing to take the kids for a couple nights.? Charlie and Sammy would love to spend more time with them." He gripped his own shirt a bit. "I can take care of my own family, Henry. I don't need help."

I looked down at the paper, watching the ink starting to leak through the paper. I sigh a bit, and take the pen from his hand. "Let's take a breather, okay-? Lets go get something to eat, and I know you haven't really eaten, because of how stressed you are." He groans a bit. I roll my eyes and laugh a bit. "C'mon, Mr. Grumpy- Let's grab some pizza-"

I start walking out. I wait a bit outside the door, and eventually William comes out, and stands beside me. He has his mask on again. I sigh a bit. I hope you realize you're beautiful.. The thought loops through my head. I usually shove thoughts like that away, but I didn't feel like pushing this one away. "What?" William asked, confused on why I was staring. "Oh-! Nothing-. Come on- Let's go."

Constructive Criticism would be great!!!}}

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