Chapter 29

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   I came back into the room with a new rag for Micheal’s head. He was starting to become more and more restless as the days went on, and I could tell Ennard wasn’t getting much sleep either, because of his worry. Ana was next to Micheal’s bedside making sure he was alright. We also ran into a problem earlier.. Micheal didn’t have a soul form, which meant we could not monitor his heart rate, which plays a big part in monitoring the soul.. I gently placed the rag on Micheal’s forehead, and went to walk back out to check on William, when I noticed a small figure dart down the hall. When I looked, no one was there. I shrugged it off a bit, assuming it must’ve been one of the kids, and walked back into the room.


   I stayed in the living room, watching the show Elizabeth had put on a while ago. A few minutes ago, Ennard came down, and sat on the farthest end of the couch. He was visibly shaking, but I was far from the person he would let comfort him. It’s been about a week since Micheal went into the state he was in, and Ennard seemed to be suffering severely. I noticed movement in the corner of my eye, and looked over. There seemed to be a little boy with a weird looking mask over his mask. On one the black side it had a red pentagram, that looked to be done in blood, and a cross possibly down in melted gold on the red half. He sat down on the floor beside the couch. He had come to the direction of Micheal’s room. I don’t remember this kid. At least I don’t remember killing him. “Hey-” I said, trying to get his attention. He looked at me, and tilted his head. “Yes?” He asked, in a kind of monotone voice. “What’s your name-?” I asked, wanting to figure out who he was. He paused for a moment, then looked back towards the TV. “Aspen..” He answered hesitantly.

   I nodded a bit, then looked back towards the TV. I didn’t know about someone named Aspen.


   I glanced over at the boy, keeping my hood over my head. I knew him. I knew who he was. I saw Elizabeth crawl over to me, and tap my arm. I looked over at her, and rubbed my eyes a bit, knowing they were red from crying. “Ennard, would you like to come play with me-?” She asked innocently. I smiled a bit, and nodded. She smiled excitedly and took my hand, leading me to her room. I had a feeling William had asked her to play with me, and I don’t say this often towards him, but I’m grateful for it.. As we entered the room, it felt like we had entered a princess’s bedroom, or at least that’s what it felt like. Her bed had that princess covering over it, with a mirror, a desk, bean bag chairs, and nicely polished furnisher. There were lots of different shades of pinks, purples, and oddly enough blues. She took me over and made me sit down on the bean bag. “Okay! First things first!! We need to do your makeup, Mr. Jester,” She told me, starting to look around for what I presumed was her makeup kit. “Mr. Jester?” I questioned.

   She looked over at me and smiled. “You weren’t a clown- Your performances were more jester-like than clown-like-” “There’s a difference-?” “Of course there is,” She said, crossing her arms. “I thought if anyone would know that, it would be you-” I shrugged a little, and resumed glancing around the room. Not long later, she gently made me look at her, and held a brush to my face. As she started to do the make up, I couldn’t help but laugh a bit as she did it. It tickled and I couldn’t help it. She glared at me a bit. “Ennard, you need to stop laughing- I can’t do your makeup if you don’t hold still!!” She chidded. I could tell she actually wasn’t upset with me. Maybe she was a bit, but I think she wanted to see me laugh. And it felt kinda good to laugh, after staying in my room and “resting”. After about an hour, she had finished the makeup/face paint. “Do you want to see it???” She asked, curiously. I nodded a bit.

   She smiled, and scurried off somewhere in her room to grab a mirror. I stayed in the bean bag chair, and looked at the ground a bit. As my thoughts started to drift back towards Micheal, she ran back into the room with the hand mirror. “Look!!” She beamed. I looked up at the mirror, and smiled at my reflection a bit. She had painted my face to look like a classic jester mask. “Thank you, Liz-” I said, laughing a bit still. She nodded, and then went and set the mirror down. I glanced over at the door, wondering if Henry might need me, or if I should leave, but then Elizabeth grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the tea table. “It’s time for a tea party!!” She said excitedly. She’s trying to keep my attention- I thought to myself.


   “You want me to help you build what-?” I asked Henry, sitting up from the couch. “I need you to help me build an animatronic, and utilize your remnant.. And fast.. Like within these next days…” He said, crossing his arms. “I haven’t built or used remnant in the past 35 years, Hen-.. It’d take a while to remember and collect all the past research, and-" "This is for Micheal, William.” I stopped. “What-.? Henry, he should already possess an animatronic, how is he still alive then-..?” I noticed the boy looking over at us. “He’s a corpse, William. He has had just enough remnant to stay in this body and keep it for this long, but his body is giving out… And I need your help, and the remnant, because of the essence fracture he’s going through, are you going to help me or not.?!” He glared at me. He’s running out on ideas.. I got up, and gently took his hand, which heflinched slightly at, but then held my hand back. “Henry, I’ll help you, what kind of question is that.?” I said quietly. 

   He glanced at the ground, and sighed a bit. “Sorry, it slipped out.. Please.. Hurry with it.. I don’t know how long the medication is going to hold him over…” He mumbled. I glanced over in the direction the boy was, and noticed he was gone. I looked back at Henry, and kissed the top of his head. I felt him hold my hand tighter, then let go. He walked back towards the medbay, and closed the door behind himself. I watched, then sighed quietly, and walked downstairs to the basement. “This better not fail now..” I said quietly to myself.

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