Chapter 30

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1 day later…

   I hesitantly went and laid in bed, avoiding Micheal’s side of it. I remember why he had said we would share a room, and I was grateful at the time. It wasn’t exactly weird that we slept in the same bed, because we stayed on the far sides, facing away from each other. We slept in the same room back at the apartment, but had separate beds. I buried my face into my pillow, and relaxed a bit. Henry, Anastasia, and William were taking care of him. He’d be okay. I felt the exhaustion throughout my body, and closed my eyes, letting myself drift to sleep.

3 hours later…

   I woke up to noises downstairs, rushing or chattering of some kind. I yawned as I opened my eyes, and glanced around the dark room. There was still rushing downstairs, and I didn’t really know why. I sat up in bed, and stepped out of it. I redid the covers like Micheal taught me, and put on my slippers. As I opened the door, Elizabeth ran past, down the hallway. “Elizabeth-.?” I mumbled, rubbing my eyes as they adjusted to the light. She looked at me, and then pushed me back into the room, and closed the door. “Ennard, you should go back to sleep!!” She said, in a desperate tone. I looked at her confused, as she dragged me back to the bed, and had me sit down. “Liz, what’s going on.?” I yawned. Still tired. How long had I slept for? “What’s going on is a tea party!!!” She said, seemingly frantic for any explanation. As I went to get up, Elizabeth switched to her adult form (Eliza), and made me sit down again. “Ennard, you need to stay here,” She said a bit sternly.

   I looked at her, and went to protest, but then realized. “What’s happening with Micheal.?!”

5 hours later

   I stayed laying in bed, hugging a pillow close to my chest. Eliza was sitting in the chair in the corner, staring at the door. I couldn’t tell how long it had been, but it had been at least a couple of hours. Eliza had told me that in order to keep me from intervening, I needed to stay in here with her. I had thought many times of going up into the vents, but I had a feeling that if I did escape from this room, I would mess everything up. Just then, Eliza got up, and pulled gently on my arm. “We can go downstairs now.” I looked up at her confused. She had just been sitting there staring at the door a second ago, how could she know? I decided not to think about it too much, and got up. I followed her out of the room, and down the stairs. As we passed the medical bay, I noticed Micheal wasn’t in bed, but I had already had a feeling he wouldn’t be. I hugged the pillow tighter, as I noticed where we were going. The basement.

   I hated going into basements. It reminded me too much of SL. I only ever went down into the basement to watch Micheal make the stuff, but since we moved to the apartment, I didn’t need to worry about it, till he wanted to move again. Eliza opened the door to the basement, and looked at me. “Don’t freak out okay-.? Whatever you see downstairs is under their control, and they are doing what they need to..” I looked at her. “What are they doing..? What does this have to do with Mike…?” I mumbled. She sighed, seeming to get tired of my questions. “Ennard. His body was giving out, it was rotting, and the rotting was getting worse. He was going through an essence fracture. They managed to transfer his soul, which was pretty difficult. Did Micheal not tell you anything about the soul desecration?” I nodded. “He did-” “Then you should know how serious this is. Now please just follow me, and stop asking questions,” She said, grabbing my arm, and practically dragging me down the stairs.

   When we got to the bottom, I saw Henry asleep at the desk with his head in his arms, and William leaning against the wall, visibly tired. But there was one thing that caught my attention. There was an animatronic in the back, that seemed to be like my animatronic form, but not quite. It had wires, and had a mask that seemed to look like a jester, but its hair was less wild, and the wires were more clean. Like it was meant to have an outer shell. It looked like it was powered off. “Micheal-..?” I mumbled. William looked over at me, seemingly surprised that I was downstairs. I walked over to the animatronic, and kneels down, cupping the face/mask in my hands. The eyes were dark, but I felt like it was him. My vision started growing blurry as the tears built up, but I wasn’t completely sure why I was crying this time. I hugged the cold wires, shivering a bit as I did. The wires moved. The lights gave off a warm yellow glow. It’s arms wrapped around me. I jumped a bit, but then looked up at Micheal and smiled. “Hi.”

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