I woke up because the sound of their alarm I wanted to smash the alarm into pieces but I can't its a gift from our parents before they left and I want to sleep much more but I remember that we have school I got up and stretch my arms
'Wait today is the day that im going to treat Yeji and our dance SHIT IM EXCITED!!!" I thought i immediately wen downstairs I tried my best not to make some loud sound I don't want Yuna to wake up this early
"What should i cook?" I said to myself
"Maybe tteokbokki since Yuna love it" I said to myself I love talking by myself it makes me a less lonely I know its stupid but I like it
Yuna Pov
"Yahh unnie" I said
"Yea what's wrong?" Ryujin said while preparing breakfast
"What time is it?" I said still sleepy who even invented school I fucking want to kill that guy/girl wait...... Never mind if there's no school I wouldn't have met Lia I take back my words who invented school I love you
"Its 5:23 you better be ready cuz we need to go early since our first period is Dance class" Ryujin said pushing me to the bathroom to shower
"Okay stop pushing me" I said she stop I walk to the bathroom I was still thinking what to wear me and Lia would match today but Yeji unnie didnt tell me anything what clothes were going to wear I just black pants and black crop top that shows my tummy I like showing my tummy since I have a small waist and little abs I've been in multiple work out "I think this is good" I said
"YAHH YUNA ARE YOU READY WERE GOING NOW!!" Ryujin shout "YEA WAIT A SEC IM ALMOST DONE" I shout back I look at the mirror to fix my hair then run downstairs Ryujin was leaning at the doorframe
"Are you going to eat or what?" Ryujin ask
"Nah I'm full even tho I didnt eat I'm still full" I said our car ride was a little awkward its our first time not chatting in the car we always talk its our first time being this quiet I decided to break the silence
"So unnie what happened yesterday?" I ask
"Nothing just usual buying stuff like foods and the clothes were going to use today" Ryujin said
"Can I see your Dance outfit I WANT TO SEE" I said I'm a little bit childish with Ryujin unnie but Ryujin unnie likes it thats why I'm always childish towards her I want her to be happy at all cost
"Sure were going to use it today since today is the Dance" Ryujin said focusing at the road and it was silent again after few minutes we arrive there were alots of student than usual in the gate when we got out they scream like there was a killer
"YYAAHHH ITS THEM" The student shout
"What the fuck is happening?" I said while I look at Ryujin she just shrug are we popular?.. Well its not my first time tho like I already know I'm handsome like be honest I'm already am then the bell ring I pianic because its our first time be this late we ran to the Dance room and all the student shouted
"WAIT DONT GO" The student shout
"RYUJIN I LIKE YOU" Another student shout but why Ryujin unnie what about me bro
"YUNA DONT GO YET I LIKE YOU" I heard another student shout that's what I like someone confess we arrive at the dance room luckily we were there right on time
Ryujin Pov
Being popular is hard you have to see alot of student waiting for you outside or in your class and a lot of student keep cnfesing to you giving you sweets even love letters
"Hey why so tired what happened?" I heard a familiar voice and I already know who it was
"Crazy fan girls or fanboys" I replied
"Dang its been days you guys are already popular" Yeji said
"Because were handsome no one will hate our charms" Yuna said while posing
"True you are handsome and Cute too" Yeji smiled at Yuna dang that hurts does she have a crush on Yuna well thats a lost for me now I know why I don't want to fall in love anymore
"By the way let's stop talking you two go to the changing room because I want to see your outfits" Yuna said me and Yeji just nod our head and went to the changing room
"DAMNNN YOU GUYS LOOK GOOD" Yuna said looking at us Yeji showed Yuna a gummy smile and I just smiled too it deep inside it hurts seeing your crush having a crush on someone I snapped out when Yuna said something
"Can I take a pic?" Yuna said patting her pocket
"Sure why not" I said
"Alright do some pose for my twitter" Yuna said and taking a pic of us
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Thank god me and Yeji are the last I'm actually nervous I mean I audition a dance since I was a kid bit this time is its different I keep focusing at the students dancing I was thinking that I think they are better than us I took a deep breath to calm myself down
"Are you okay you look stress?" Yeji said looking at me worried
"I'm fine just nervous even tho its not my first time doing a dance infornt of everyone but its a little different" I said and took a deep breath again "don't worry I'm fine" I said smiling at Yeji
"Okay next is Ryujin and Yeji" the teacher said
"Ready?" Yeji said
"As always" I replied
Me and yeji went to our position and the both of us took a deep breath I'm still shaking because of the nervousness I hate having a panic attack
We bowed all the student clap and looking at us amaze
"If I'm going to be honest that was the good dance I've seen yet I think you guys will good duo together of dancing" The teacher said smiling at us we smiled back because we got an A
"Yahhh unnie next song to cover is therefore I am" Yuna said
"Yea I know don't worry I will cover that song" I replied
I need help I can't think anything for Chapter 7:/ I have class tomorrow why time do you guys wake up to go school?