Ryujin Pov
I am now practicing 'Therefore I am' the amount of beg I heard all day just to cover this song I kinda admit it its actually very fun to cover some songs I was thinking to upload this cover but I'm thinking I'm just gonna embarrassed myself I just done practicing I'm just in the shower thinking that I didnt even took Yeji dinner yesterday the jealous that made me forgot that I have to took Yeji out of dinner I just sigh in frustration and I put a baggy pants and sports bra im just doing some quick work out
I collapse on the ground doing planks for 3 minutes and breathing heavily "YAHHH UNNIE COME DOWNSTAIRS" Yuna shout I immediately come downstairs without changing my clothes I was still covered in sweats
"What the fuck put on some clothes" Yuna said I just rolled my eyes "What do you want?" I look at them seeing Lia Yeji and .... Guys? I've never seen them before
"Yah unnie you better put on some clothes"
Yuna said making me snap out of my thoughts "Why I'm still working out" I said Yuna look at me very annoying "Well were going to the mall today and PUT ON SOME CLOTHES SO WE CAN GO NOW" Yuna said I just walk back at my room and just change some white polo and some black baggy pants I grab my phone and headphone just in case I got bored I came back downstairs seeing them casually talking and laughing in the living room but one thing caught my eye I saw Yuna and Yeji laughing and even teasing each other I didnt even cared anymore I just went to kitchen I saw someone that I'm unfamiliar with we have almost the no we have the same height we have the same hair color oreo hair (btw let's pretend that Ryujin is more taller than Yeji)
I look everything about him not his dick tho i perfer pussy he also have braces and he look at me"You must be Ryujin right?" He said
"Uh yea and you are?" I ask he chuckled
"Seungmin nice to meet you" He said he smiled at me and pulled out his hand for a handshake I accept
"Nice to meet you too" I smiled at him
We been talking in the kitchen he's actually a nice guy and also we actually have the same common we've been talking and we come at the living room seeing that they still talking I cleared my throat
"Ready?" I said everyone look at me and nodded their head
"So can you guys introduce yourself?" I said
"So I'm bangchan nice to meet you Ryujin" he said but how does this guy know me what the heck
"Heeseung your Ryujin right?" He ask I nod my head
"Felix nice to meet you" He offered me a hand shake and I accept but this guy tho have a deep voice
"Jeongyeon" She smiled I smiled back
"Soooo why are we going to the mall?" I ask bangchan look at me then the others "She didnt know?" He ask I look at him confuse
"Nope" Yuna replied"What?" I tilted my head because of confusion "We have a field trip next week so were going to buy all the stuff we need" Bang Chan said
"Why didnt no one told me??" I said "Well you fell asleep and thats why you miss the announcement" Yeji replied
"Okay let's just buy the stuff we need" I said
We've been in this mall for fucking hours and they been eating for hours and I was just watching them eating I look at Yeji who was hesitating to eat her food I knew something is wrong I excuse myself going into the restroom when I was in the restroom I splash my face with water my mind was about Yeji why was she hesitating to eat her food?.... I pulled my sleeve up seeing a lots of scars on my wrist I've been cutting myself due to my depression and stress I've been stressing all day I close my eyes I immediately open my eyes when I heard a familiar voice
"Why do you have scars on your wrist Ryujin?" Yeji said angrily while raising
her eyebrow and crossing her arms"Its none of your business" I replied coldly
"You've been acting weird Ryujin what's wrong?" She ask softly I look at her she look at me worriedly I just sigh
"There's nothing wrong Princess" I said she look at the ground making me confuse she look at me with red cheeks
"If there's nothing wrong then tell me about your scars on your wrist" She said I just look at her
"Fine I'm just stressing okay there are you happy now Princess" I said rolling my eyes I didnt even know this side of Yeji but still tho she's still cute while angry
"If your stressing you could just told me not hurting yourself" She said her voice was shakey was she about to cry?... Why does she care about me she have Yuna I look at her and her eyes was watery I sigh and hug her I don't even know why was she crying just because of my scars... I don't even know anymore
"Its okay now Princess I won't cut myself again I promise" She pulled away from our hug "Promise?" She ask "Promise" I said and pulling my pinky finger and she pulled her pinky finger too
"Let's go back the others are maybe done already" I said she look at me smiling I smiled back we walk out of the restroom together why does she care about me I don't even know if I'm going to move on her we both were silent but I broke our silent by asking a question
"Yeji" I called her she hummed in respond
"Why do you hesitate to ate your food?" I ask and she stop walking making me to look st her and she look shock did I say something wrong or that is against her?...... She opened her mouth then close it she didnt even say a word not even a single one did I make her uncomfortable or I just said something wrong?______________________________________________
Helloooo how you guys doing? Well I hope you guys are enjoying this story I'm sorry if I took to long I'm just so busy and have a good day or good night everyone😃❤

Lost and Found love
Fiksi PenggemarRyujin didn't believe love anymore after getting cheat by Heejin After she met Yeji everything change