❥ 37 | welcome

38 5 2

☆ dreams pov ☆

A few days later, we finally rolled into Florida—the last stop on the tour. The familiar warmth and the scent of the ocean hit me the second I stepped out of the bus, making me feel instantly at home. I glanced over at George's bus parked nearby, but he was already inside, probably catching up on some rest or prepping for tonight's show.

I found Bad by the tour crew's setup, fiddling with some equipment as usual. I approached him, trying to play it casual but really hoping he'd give me the green light for what I wanted.

"Hey, Bad, quick question," I started, hands shoved into my pockets. "Do we have to stay in the tour bus the whole time, or can I head back to my place for a bit?"

Bad looked up from what he was doing and shrugged lightly. "You can go back to your place if you want, as long as you're here before the concert today and for rehearsals tomorrow. We're pretty much set for tonight, so you've got some time."

A grin spread across my face. "Thanks, Bad. I appreciate it."

"No problem," he said, giving me a small smile. "Just make sure you're not late."

I nodded, already planning how I'd spend the afternoon at home. The idea of lounging around in my own space, even if it was just for a few hours, was something I hadn't realized I missed so much until now. 

I walked back into the tour bus, feeling the familiar buzz of excitement that always came with being back in Florida. The thought of spending a few hours at home was already making me impatient. I found Sapnap lounging on one of the sofas, scrolling through his phone.

"Hey, Sapnap," I called out, leaning against the doorway. "You want to head back home for a bit? I'm planning on going."

He looked up at me, then shook his head. "Not today, man. I'm taking Karl out, got a little date planned."

I nodded, understanding. "Alright, have fun then."

Pulling out my phone, I quickly typed out a message to George.

Dream: Want to come with me to my place for a bit?

It didn't take long for my phone to buzz with his response.

George: Yeah, I'm down. Be there in a few.

I smiled, slipping my phone back into my pocket. It'd be good to spend some time with George away from the bus and the whole tour atmosphere. 

"tea?" Punz asked me from the kitchen.

I leaned against the counter as I waited for Punz to make the tea. He was moving about the small kitchen area of the tour bus, and his movements were quick and purposeful. The comforting aroma of brewing tea started to fill the air.

"Tea would be great, thanks," I said, giving him a grateful smile. "It's been a long stretch."

Punz chuckled, nodding. "It really has, hasn't it? It's hard to believe we've been on the road for almost two months now. Feels like just yesterday we were gearing up for the first show."

I glanced around the bus, taking in the familiar clutter of our lives on tour—the scattered clothes, half-empty water bottles, and the occasional stray piece of equipment. "Yeah, it's flown by. There's something kind of surreal about it all. We've been so busy that it's hard to remember what life was like before the tour."

Punz handed me a steaming cup of tea, and I took a grateful sip, savoring the warmth. "I know what you mean. It's weird to think about going back to normal life after this. I guess we're all just used to this constant whirlwind now."

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