How Did I Get Here?

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*Rain SFX*
Rain was pouring as man stood in the rain the figure was illuminated by the moonlight as The man turns to face you His eyes glowing a golden hue and says
"I love you so so much"
as tears fell from his eyes, But you couldn't see his face only his beautiful eyes that shone with a golden hue, Everything then suddenly turns to black as an after image of those beautiful eyes we're still there as If they were staring you down and looking at your very soul.
............ "Philip? "...
.. " Philip"
Philip slowly opened his eyes as he feels a sharp pain on his left side as He tries to open his eyes He sees someone unfamiliar... He doesn't really know where he was.. This place was unfamiliar to him... He looks at his hand and finds blood dripping from it... Philip then shaking says "Where am I? " The figure coldly looks at him and says "Your at our house" ... (Our house what? I never lived with anyone!) Philip thought as He had a confused on his face as he says "Huh? " The figure laughs as the figure lifts his chin and says "Philip...Love Don't you remember?"

(Huh?! love since when?! have I finally Stopped being a Hopeless Romantic?!) Philip thought as he tries to get up but the sharp pain returns as Philip yelps in pain and shock the Figure then says "Your injured don't move" as they suddenly pick up Philip and carries him to another different unfamiliar room, Philip shrinks away as he was carried by this un-familiar person...
Philip looks around trying to identify his soroundings as he saw a portrait of him?..and this person with golden plaques that said 'Philip Dela Cruz Maharlika & Victor Romanov' (so that's this persons name....That name sounds Familiar but I don't know where I've heard it before...) he thought as he looked around in interest He hears a soft laugh from Victor as the man kisses his forehead (Wth is this guy on?) Philip thought as he unintentionally showed his RBF or Resting B!t¢h Face

Victor chuckles at Philip's unintentional RBF showing as he took a stray strand of hair and  puts it behind his ear as Philip puts two and two together....(Oh God...I've been reincarnated haven't I? Oh hell no. And wait Romanov...Oh crap! I've been reincarnated into the Novel I read! What was it?? Ah yes! Flowers In Death! And I was reincarnated as the Villain...Philip Dela Cruz Maharlika-I'm screwed-) Philip thought as he sweats bullets

Philip remembers that The body he was in was gonna die in 3 years Because he Attempted an Assassination on The Protag who un-intentionally Seduced Philip's-His 'Husband' (Wait This is still the start of the Story! I could still live! Victor hasn't met the Protag yet so this was definitely the Start of the Story! But somethings off, Victor shouldn't be showing affection to Philip! He never loved why? And sheesh the plot of the Novel was all over the place-) Philip thought as He tried to get himself comfortable with the Situation he was in as he did think that The Plot of the Novel he was reincarnated to was All over the place...which made it enjoyable but also  frustrating as he gets that maybe Philip should've broken it off with Victor instead of trying to kill a Guy that un-intentionally Seduces him! he knows this man was handsome but Philip was more Beautiful! He could score a more Powerful and Loyal husband with his looks alone!
(But...Victor is kind off hot....-No! I will make sure I don't die in this life I will make myself into a Rich Slacker! that is my Goal!) Philip had a look of determination at his Goal as Victor looked at his Husbands Face and Shook his head as He left to go get a doctor as He leaves he sees the cute face His husband has as He feels Kind off weird as he leaves the room and Philip to his thoughts
Philip then snaps out of his thoughts as He Looked around the Luxuriously Decorated room and stands up ignoring the Pain coursing through his body as he Shakily stands his Body wavering with each step he takes as he explores the room still bleeding as the Blood drips and seeps into the Carpet as He walks towards a Hanging Portrait of The Body he was in as he caresses the Frame of the Portrait as he Shudders at the Coldness of the Frame as he remembers that the Body of Philip was Sensitive to the Cold But didn't feel anything to the Heat which was understandable as The Novel stated that Philip was born in a Tropical Country- Arebela and all his life he stayed there until He was married off to The Emperor of the Frozen Tundra/Vinetrium- Victor Romanov.
Philip just Let the Cold feeling go as He Looked at the Portrait of the Body he was Reincarnated to, as he stared at himself in amazement I mean He did look attractive, Short Losterous Raven Hair, Beautiful Marigold colored Eyes and Long lashes, Lithe Fingers, A Petite waist etcetera.
Philip's thoughts were interrupted by door opening Philip turns his head to the door as he saw a Tall man He didn't recognize from the Main cast of the Novel...A Background Character maybe? The Man coughs...This is awkward, Philip decided to break the awkward silence and he says "Hello Uhm- Who are you?..." The Man bows and then says "I'm The Imperial Doctor-Ezirel Winoven, Empress and I was sent here by The Emperor to tend to your wounds.." Philip smiles and blurts out "Ezirel is quite a Beautiful name!" as Blood Starts pouring from his mouth as Ezirel blushes as he then looks at Philip with a worried and concerned look and adds "Your Majesty you should sit down, here let me help you" as he approaches Philip and gently Takes Philip's arm as he leads Philip into the Chair again as Philip had a Calm faced on as his thoughts went miles an hour (My back hurts-...Ack- At least he was nice enough to help me to a chair-) as his thoughts were interrupted by the Feeling of Cold Metal on his skin as Philip whimpers from the Cold as Ezirel apologizes to his Patient as he got to work
"There Done!-Your majesty should be fine if he stays in bed and doesn't eat any solid food for About...3 weeks? And take his medicine" Ezirel says as Philip nods And Says "Yes I will thank you Doctor." as Ezirel bows and before he leaves Philip Hands him Something a Flower as thanks Ezirel happily accepts the flower and leaves the room
Philip was again left to his own thoughts
The Door kreecks open again as Victor appears standing in the Doorway his face quite expressionless as he approached the Chair Philip sat in as Victor looks at him with a complicated look as Philip was still thinking (Why do I smell Coffee?-and Paper?...wait...He's behind me isn't he?-) Philip was sweating bullets as he felt Victor's presence in the room, behind him...(Am I gonna die?-not again!) Philip is still like a statue not wanting to move an inch-

Word count: 1240 words

Note>The amount of Grammatical Errors Scare me 

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