Chapter 31: Bad News

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"Hi Y/N" Jennie said to me, we were walking in the fields holding hands as a rainbow appeared above us. Jennie had just greeted me, I went to grab her hand, but she stepped backwards. Avoiding my attempt to interlock our hands. Instead, her face became serious.

"Im not the one" She told me, I tilted my head in confusion.

"Remember the dreams. Remember this one" She said, suddenly, my vision blurred, like a full cloud disrupted my vision. When the fog dissolved, I appeared in an empty room. Jennie still by my side.

"What is this?" I asked her

"You know who it is, Y/N. Your soulmate. Youre already attracted to her. Go and get her."

For a second. The room glitched into a bedroom that resembled Sana's room, but my vision was obscured since a bright white light started to shine at me. It ingulfed the room, I looked to my left, where I saw Jennie fading into the light. My body started to slowly decay, pieces of my flesh flew right out as If I was dissolving. When it was only my face left, I felt darkness surround me, as I suddenly woke up in my room.

I sat up and recalled the dreams, just as Jennie told me.

Lets see...if I remember correctly. The old man in my first dream....he touched me....the same way Sana did when we first met! I couldnt believe I didnt think of this sooner. We were also located in a party too too! Surely that meant it was her. And when that purple haired woman dream thing showed up, she said If I choose pne ill get heartbroken. And I got heartbroken when Jennie betrayed me. So...does that mean Sana is the one I wont be heartbroken with? Now this dream, she said I know who it is. Surely it meant my discovery yesterday right?

I wiped my face with my hands as I pieced this all the together. Sana...shes my soulmate. It has to be, no wonder I suddenly got so jealous when she was hanging out with Taehyung. No wonder when the day I first laid eyes on her at the strip club, I felt like I had to talk to her. It made perfect sense.

I smiled and felt excitement boiling from my stomach. These feelings I had towards her, maybe I already had liked her. This is just the clarification I needed to go up and start making her like me.

Suddenly, I was welcomed with the sound of a woman gagging in my washroom. I remembered Sana being drunk last night, so I quickly ran to the washroom . I saw her bending over the toilet.

(Nasty stuff that i dont want to write about happen)

"Fucking...hell" Sana muttered as I helped her over to the bed. She had finished getting rid of all the alcohol from her system. She sat down as I went to the kitchen and gave her a glass of water. She slowly drank.

"Thanks" She said, I patted her shoulder and sat beside her.

"You still feel tipsy?" I asked her, she slowly nodded her head, taking a sip of water. Once her water was finished, I placed the glass onto the nightstand and helped her sit up on the bed.

"Just, try and rest" I advised, but to my surprise, Sana gave a little chuckle.

"I feel sorry now that youre the one taking care of me drunk. When you drank, I just left you on the bed" She giggled, I let out a smile.

"Next time dont drink that much on a night out"

Sana frowned
"Says you..." She joked.

"That was....different" , my voice trailed off. I only drank to ease my aching heart. It's different than drinking just to have fun.

"Sorry....but really Im fine Y/N."

Suddenly, my phone vibrated next to the glass on the nightstand. Sana took it and stared at the caller Id.

"Who is it?" I asked

She threw me the phone

I picked up the call

"Y/NHelpTheygotNamjoon!" Jimin screamed quickly. I almost dropped my phone from the surprising yell.

"Slow down! What happened!"

"Eunwoo! They kidnapped namjoon"

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