Chapter One:

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After everything went black, Patient 4729 awoke to being outside in the courtyard. She was once again heavily sedated and heavily restrained with extra thick chains once again. The doctors here, thought that the outdoors would some how calm her insatiable desire to kill, and so took risks to bring her out here. Though it was a really peaceful and quiet setting, Patient 4729 only though of it as a distraction. She couldn't move, or stretch, and was stuck to just thinking of her plans on escaping. For about a month now she had been brought out here, especially while the sun was high in the sky. The reason for that was the doctors hypothesis. They though it would help restrain her to the specific spot beneath a weeping willow tree. They also wanted to examine her reactions to being around others. After all she wasn't like the other patients, she was something else. Yet she couldn't stand it. While just sitting there the scent of the others was overwhelming. She was salivating behind her muzzle, and she had to constantly remember she was being watched.

Today had been quiet for the most part. Patients were outside doing their normal thing, there was a cool crisp breeze signaling the beginning of autumn, the sun hidden by the occasional cloud. Had she been free she probably would have enjoyed it. Unfortunately no.. There were guards stationed everywhere and the giant stone wall surrounding the courtyard made reality all to visible. Simply just enjoying the small moment of peace before wrecking havoc on the entire asylum, she watched as time slowly brought forward the darkness. The sun was beginning to set and though her body was already starting to wear off she acted like it wasn't. She needed them to think she was still a mindless zombie.

Most of the entire staff had been surprised at how 'tame' she had become. Usually by now shed be taken back inside for a useless killing and punished severely for it. She remained under the willow tree, eyes closed, and calm. Even when the occasional patient came to bother her, she remained eerily calm, and even social. For patient 4729 it was like a complete 360 in her personality. When darkness had finally set, her crimson eyes shot open. The very familiar sound of the dinner bell had wrung in her ears. Getting up yet again despite the restraints she slowly made her way back to the inside of the asylum. Except she was abruptly stopped by the guard positioned at the door. With a rough grasp, and a harsh pull to the side she could smell the scent of a recently smoked cigarette on his breath "Not you. I have orders to stop you from going in until every last patient is inside. For their safety." Gritting her teeth and letting a guttural growl escape her throat she remained at his side. Being tame was getting more and more difficult for her. She knew deep down that it would have been too easy to kill the pig roughly grasping her. But she needed to do things more calculated. There were too many eyes, and it could very well ruin everything if she got messy. Though she was running out of time. Thankfully though the last remaining patient went inside and she was let go and roughly pushed into the building. She was the only one to get such 'royal' treatment, but then again she was the only one truly dangerous to the staff and the patients. Although there were murderers and such at the asylum, Patient 4729 was the only one not human. She was something much deadlier.

Having plans on going to the dining hall with the others, she was once again abruptly stopped and grabbed. Getting really tired of it she let out another deep, threatening, growl as a warning. She was losing her patience quickly. Being dragged back to her cell wasn't really part of the plan, but she quickly came up with a plan B. Something much better than what she was originally going to do. After being tossed into the white padded cell, that stunk of piss and blood, she stood up watching as the guard slammed the heavy metal door closed. Of course when the familiar sound of it locking came she relaxed into the padding on the wall. Looking around her cell, she took a minute to really get a good look at things. Noticing a camera in the corner she grinned ear to ear. That was new, and it screamed head doctor all over it. It seemed she wasn't the only on forming plans. He had something up his sleeve as well. Well two can play that game. Getting up she easily tore at the restrainments. Once the straight jacket wasn't a issue the rest easily fell to her feet. Taking off the muzzle now that her hands were free, she looked up to the camera. She knew he was watching her, and she wanted him to see what was about to unfold. None of them expected her to not be sedated and so the alarm immediately began blaring. She could hear feet running through the halls in panic. She loved the fear that was present. She fed off it and so she prepared herself for the very last portion of her plan. To kill every last one of the beings in this horrid asylum.

The moment she heard keys shakily being inserted into the lock, she crouched down like an animal ready to pounce onto prey. Grinning from ear to ear finally revealing a pair of two very sharp, pearly white fangs she watched as the large metal door swung open. And yet she still didn't pounce. No she watched as the terrified guard held up a gun towards her. He was terrified beyond belief and it was so delectable. Growling deeply and very threatening like, she finally lunged forward and onto the guard before he could even shoot. With a loud ear piercing scream from the guard Patient 4729 bit into the mans neck and drank. It had been so long since she had such a meal, and fresh. She needed her strength and although in her weakened state before she still could easily kill. She just was tired of being weak. When the man lay dead at her feet, her mouth and neck drenched in his blood she stepped out of her cell and began her killing spree. It didn't matter on who was in her way. Be it patient or staff, one by one she slaughtered them all. She didn't even feed from most. Only from the ones she hated most.

When she finally made it to the head doctors office the one guard she hadn't seen the whole time, the one who was a pig and constantly the one to torture her was standing in front of the door blocking her way. He wasn't scared of her and it always pissed her off. Lunging at him now at her full amount of strength she tackled him to the ground. Rolling around on the floor struggling to gain the upper hand, she finally managed to and stood up panting. She was pinning him down by the throat with her foot and she was healing from a deep gash he made across her face. "You dirty pig! I'm going to enjoy killing you. I dreamed of this moment for so long and yet you smile?! WHY ARENT YOU AFRAID OF ME?!?!?!?" All she would hear is him laugh. It made her blood boil and so she crushed his neck in, reached down, and tore his head off. Throwing it down the hallway she watched blood pour from the stump of his neck. It gave her zero satisfaction but she had to move on. Kicking down the door she noticed a very empty office and the window open. Screaming out loud she realized now why the guard wasn't afraid. He was the distraction, he knew he was going to die. Standing there drenched in the blood of many, seething from the doctor escaping her yet again, she vowed shed get him. Not now but in time shed hunt him down and make him suffer the way she did.

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