WaterMage Rising by @Lorareedpalmer

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When her uncle is murdered by a curse, seventeen-year-old water mage, Selena, must use her skills to solve his murder and stop the killer's plans to purge the world of those without magic.


Selena Mendelson, a sharp-tongued, ambitious student whose social skills are lacking, dreams of forging a career in spellcraft and potions. However, her authoritarian, dark-leaning father is pushing to recruit her to work for the government in his department, the Defense Bureau.

When Selena's uncle is murdered by a freezing curse in front of her eyes, she vows to avenge him. During her investigation, Selena discovers records in her father's study that reveal he may have killed her uncle to conceal information about a special project at work. When Selena asks to join her father on his business cruise as a cover for her investigation, he refuses, leaving her no choice but to sneak onboard the magical cruise ship, The Augurey of the Seas.

As Selena uncovers the truth, what she finds chills her to the core. There is more at stake than she ever imagined. Can Selena avenge her uncle while stopping the Defense Bureau's plans, or will her investigation freeze in its tracks?

~Chapter One~


The fragile voice, breaking like shattering ice and punctuated by a booming thunderclap, captured Selena's attention. Through raindrops pattering against the half- open living room window, Selena could make out a dark figure lurching along the sidewalk outside. Several steps later, the figure passed beneath the floating fire mage stones that lit the curved walkway to her house, illuminating the distinctive wine-red trench coat the man wore.

With a gasp, she realized she recognized the man. Uncle Franklin. A smile curled up her thin lips. Her uncle was fond of theatrics, but this was too much, even for him. She wasn't a child anymore and his zombie act didn't scare her.

Selena set aside her summer-assigned reading, carefully bookmarking the page, to get a closer look out the window. If he was trying to scare her, he'd have to work harder than that. In his wake, he left behind a trail of footprints encased in slush — on the hottest day of the year. Not a very impressive bit of magic, Selena thought with a sigh.

From her seat by the window, Selena heard her mother toss aside her daily dose of politics, the newspaper rustling as it hit the coffee table. "Selena! Get up right now, young lady, and come say hello to your uncle!" her mother called as she made her way to the door.

Selena scoffed. She was hardly a lady, and was loathe to move, but rose from her blue wingback chair just the same, if only to forgo her mother's mewling. Her knees groaned in protest after having been curled up for the past few hours. Brow furrowing, she strode to the foyer to greet her uncle.

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