Chapter 1

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In the year 1920, deep within the vast and mysterious Northwest Territories of Brunei, a land shrouded in legends and secrets, young Muhammad Khawarizmi, who was affectionately known as Rizmi, found himself bedridden, fighting a fever that seemed determined to consume him. The room was dimly lit, the air heavy with a sense of impending tragedy. Beside his sickbed stood his half-brother Johan, a tall and imposing figure, who had always been there for him, through thick and thin.

But the threads of their fate were woven with a cruel twist. Johan's father, the enigmatic Mirza Awang, had played a hand in a dark tragedy that haunted their family. He had killed Rizmi's father, John, in an act of ruthless betrayal. This shocking revelation had shattered their fragile family bonds, and a deep well of anger had simmered within Rizmi ever since.

On this fateful night, with feverish delirium clouding his judgment, Rizmi's emotions spiraled out of control. In a moment of unimaginable fury, he felt something stir within him, a raw power he couldn't comprehend. Bone-like claws, sharp as daggers, sprouted from his trembling fists, and in his blind rage, he thrust them into Mirza's chest, impaling him.

Mirza, gasping for breath, managed to whisper his final words, "Muhammad... my son." Rizmi's world crumbled around him as he realized the true identity of the man he had just killed. Mirza Awang was his biological father.

Confusion, remorse, and grief surged within him, an overwhelming storm of emotions that threatened to consume his very soul. With tears streaming down his face, Rizmi fled into the night, seeking solace in the depths of the untamed woods that surrounded their home.

Johan, torn between his loyalty to Rizmi and the shocking revelation about his father, made a choice that would forever bind their destinies. He followed Rizmi into the darkness, vowing to stand by his brother's side no matter what trials lay ahead.

And so, the two brothers embarked on a journey fraught with danger and uncertainty. Their path led them through the tumultuous years of World War II in the Tanah Melayu region, where the Japanese Empire's shadow loomed large. Together, they faced the horrors of war, forging an unbreakable bond as they fought side by side.

But as the war raged on, Rizmi's innate sense of justice clashed with Johan's growing thirst for revenge. In a critical moment during a harrowing mission, Rizmi intervened to prevent Johan from executing a defenseless commanding officer. The tension between them erupted into a fierce and brutal confrontation, drawing the disapproval of their teammates.

Their actions could not be overlooked, and as punishment, they found themselves standing before a firing squad. It was a sentence meant to end their lives, but destiny had other plans. Their bodies refused to yield to death's embrace, their healing factors proving to be an inexplicable force that defied mortality.

Amid the chaos and confusion that followed their miraculous survival, a man in uniform stepped forward, a shadowy figure named Major William Stryker. He offered them a proposition, a chance at redemption, or perhaps damnation, in a "special" team he was assembling.

Johan looked at Rizmi, uncertainty etched on his face. "Riz, I don't know about this. It feels like we're dancing with the devil himself."

Rizmi's eyes bore into Johan's, filled with a mixture of determination and doubt. "I know, Johan, but we can't ignore what we are. What we've become. This might be our only shot at finding some purpose in all this chaos."

Their first mission under Stryker's command took them deep into uncharted territory, tracking the source of a mysterious meteorite that had crashed to Earth with an otherworldly force. The trail led them to a remote village, where the terrified inhabitants held the answers they sought.

However, as they pushed the frightened villagers for information, Rizmi's conscience stirred. He witnessed the fear and suffering his actions had brought upon innocent lives, and a deep sense of disgust welled up within him. With unwavering resolve, he chose a different path.

In a courageous act of defiance, Rizmi turned his back on Stryker and his team, determined to protect the vulnerable and make amends for the violence he had once embraced. His departure marked the beginning of the end for Team X, as its members struggled to reconcile their orders with their moral compasses.

Johan stood by Rizmi, his loyalty unwavering. "We can't keep following this path, Riz. It's not who we are."

Rizmi nodded, his eyes reflecting a newfound determination. "No, Johan, it's not. We'll find another way, one that doesn't compromise our principles."

In the wake of Rizmi's departure, the team disbanded, its members scattered to the winds, each grappling with their own demons and haunted by the choices they had made. For Rizmi and Johan, the journey was far from over, and the path they now walked was one of redemption, a chance to heal the wounds of the past and find a new purpose in a world scarred by war and betrayal.

As they ventured deeper into the unknown, they encountered individuals who had been affected by their past actions. People whose lives they had inadvertently torn asunder during their time with Team X. Rizmi, burdened by guilt, sought to make amends wherever he could.

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