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"CAN'T  YOU BEHAVE FOR JUST ONCE?" I asked him. When we got back from McDonald's, he started flirting with the receptionist, and mind you, the receptionist is a 29-year-old, MARRIED, woman with a KID.

"What did I even do?" he asked, playing dumb, as we walked to the elevators. But he knows damn well what he did.

"You were flirting with the receptionist!" I exclaimed, but he gave me a 'Okay, so?" look. "The married and with a kid receptionist!" I added and his eyebrows shot up to his forehead.

"Yikes," he mumbled and let out a snort- like the pig he is. I rolled my eyes at him as I pushed on the elevator button.

Can't you ever slap him? Like, give him a kick on his shin or whatever they call it. 'Mama T, Mama T'. You're always so violent. And you have to remember that I already kicked him in the balls once.

"But you aren't supposed to say anything," he said and pointed at me. I scrunched my eyebrows and he reminded me by saying," Weren't you the one that gave your insta to a guy you've never even met."

"Oh, shut up," was my lame response and I punched his shoulder, but I knew he was right.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is an example of how you're going to die," he said jokingly but that actually horrified me.

I thought he said that so you could laugh your ass off.

"Don't say that!" I exclaimed as I felt a shudder down my spine. I punched him in the exact same spot as before and he said," God help me with this woman," and held his shoulder with his other hand. I rolled my eyes at him but then it hit me. I would've held back in tears if it was him who punched me. But I'm not that strong and I didn't hit him so hard.

Say sorry.

In your wildest dream, 'Mama T.'

"But at least the other guy seemed nice," I said and the elevators made that 'ding!' before the doors opened and we walked in. "He didn't seem like the killer kind of guy."

"You never know," he said, pushing the number 3 button. The doors closed after he said, " They thought Jeffrey Dahmer was a good guy, didn't they?  But then they found out that they in fact were wrong.

I blinked hard for a few seconds before opening them before opening them. "Who do refer to them?" I asked, knowing the answer and he gave me a 'thought you would know' look.

"The police, obviously," he said with a bit of scoff at the end. "They were very stupid, though." I mean, he wasn't wrong. The police were stupid for not believing Glenda Cleveland, but if they had listened to her, so many lives would've been saved.

"Yeah, stupid as hell," I said and the doors opened. We walked out of the elevator in silence and I was thinking about what Atlas told me.

What if Max wasn't as good as he seems? What if we somehow ended up in a relationship, would he be sweet and caring? Or would he be abusive and dangerous?

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